The Art of Classical Psuedo Teaming: A Comprehensive Guide

You can turn off player’s ability to drop items in the game options under items.

until the game you have requires you to be able to drop items. then it gets tricky


You could try to replicate this by using despawn item zones and maybe inventory item managers that detect when the number of that item changes, and then remove the items and grant the amount again as a bandage for not being able to drop? Then when you want to drop items you just deactivate the zone and system maybe?

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The thing I use is an AUO mechanism where there’s an item granter giving it, then the checker runs, then the item granter takes it away. If it all happens in the same tick, it works out fine. Alternatively you could use wire repeaters to set them up in the right way.

Wait. Has this been changed yet?

Go and check!

Seriously though, the answer is no. All of these issues still exist.

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This is the usage of advanced scope adjustments! They’re so useful.

Cya ClicClac.

AAAAGH I stopped making one of my games because of the teaming issues and now its deleted WHY couldn’t I have found this sooner

could I use this pseudo teaming for a game I’m working on? I want to have a smoke effect that applies to everyone except the player who activated it, but I’m having trouble with relay since its all other players feature, just means everyone except the activator of the relay actually triggers, and I want that to be the opposite, where the button clicker triggers it, but the effect is global and their immunity is player scope

Bump. Bump bump. Bump.

goodbye clic

I miss you so much :sob:
cliccy come backkk