I am trying to make a new game for my students. I want to make a 「King of the Hill」 game for the students. They will be in two teams and need to capture a point that changes every 40 seconds (First hill is in a library, second is in the forest and so on until it goes back to standard.) I have tried relays but the two zones are on at the same time and do not differentiate based on teams. This breaks the whole concept sadly. I am using zones (for King of the Hill capture points), repeaters, and counters (for timers and point keeping). The timers I have working, but the zones are the issue.
If this is not possible I understand and can just change the game to be a 「Survival Game」instead.
You can use the coordinate device so it will constantly update the coordinates. Each time it updates run a check to see if the x and y are within one of the three zones. You could use the checker device or block code.
To my understanding, the topic I made below transmits on a channel every 0.5 seconds whenever a player in inside the area. [1]
It might be less than 0.5 seconds, I just put a number out there. ↩︎
Okay. This is kinda hard. Let’s see.
When player enters zone, trigger. Triggered → go into blocks, and if player’s team is team 1, startCounting1, for the first timer, and if team 2 enters, then reset the counter for team 1 and startCounting2.
Hope this helps!
Ok, based on what I think you’re saying, here’s how to solve your problems:
First, I think you need help with making one zone active at a time. So to solve this problem, we’ll wire the zone to a trigger. To simulate the zone getting activated/deactivated, we’ll activate/deactivate the trigger, and the trigger then carries out those actions.
Second, the zones aren’t team based. We can fix that by wiring the first trigger to another trigger. The trigger should be configured so that it won’t trigger when stepped on, and only one team can trigger it. This makes the zone essentially team based. Then the trigger can carry out the actions when a player captures the hill.
So you already have the Point tracking system worked out?
And also, are you trying to make it so, each zone is only accesible to 1 team?
(Zone 1 only applys to team 1, Zone 2 to team 2)
What is your general experience with GKC (GimKit Creative)?
I hope you are able to make this well, GimKit can be very fun for students while also being educational.
Also, make sure you have the basics:
-An item granter that gives all players a gadget of some kind. (I suggest an Epic Evil Eye.)
-A map with an obvious area to be captured, as well as obstacles to provide cover.
-A lobby with spawn pads with “availability” set to pre-game
-spawn pads in the game map set to game
-Point tracking (other people are already helping with this.)
That is maybe the hard part. I want to make it so when a student enters the zone, the other team cannot capture. So, if Team 1 is in the zone, Team 2 has to clear out all Team 1 members before they can gain points.
I think this is the answer! When a team enters the zone I set up triggers based on the relay to enable and disable counters for certain teams until they are all gone. It will probably also need the coordinates checked like in the previous reply I had gotten. I will try and use this method today at work.
I will mark this as the 「main answer」 but everyone helped out. Thank you all for the replies!