Still sorta need help with the respawning thing

I’m using @Blizzy’s method right now, but still don’t understand the checking part. @Haiasi , @StacheIsTaken , @Blizzy , any ideas on how to do the checker part?
Here: Part 1 of the Respawning Help thing

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Blizzy doesn’t seem to be online right now, (although she was just seen a few minutes ago) you might have to wait.

You can use my system in the meantime though.



Read my profile, I won’t be active during school hours. Sorry.


Wire a lifecycle to a trigger:
Player Knocks Out → Trigger
Trigger Blocks:
If Triggering Player’s Name = Property1 or Triggering Player’s Name = Property2
Transmit on GrantCash

Item Granter grants cash when receiving on GrantCash(However much you want, channel doesn’t matter what name, property name doesnt matter)

Sorry, I’m not on during mornings during weekdays, and I can only be on a bit during school hours


Does that work? If it works marka solution to close this topic.

Ok! I’ll use this, THank you @Blizzy !

Also, I saw the location thing in your profile @Blizzy, please don’t eat me I taste like absolutely nothing :pleading_face:


Would you put a get property block for the part where you say Property1 and Property2


You would put Get Property __

I’m in my wellness (free time), so I can help (for now) if you need it.

You do not need to ping certain people to help, others may have better or easier to understand ideas.

I forgot this help topic was still here and sorry @Blizzy but:
how would you put in the “or” part where it says "Property1or Triggering PLayer’s name = Property 2? It won’t let me put that in in to the logic equation.
Screen recording 2023-11-29 9.00.35 PM


Which school hours because Elementary, Middle, High and University all have different times.

flip it around triggering players name last the other first!

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Didn’t work.
Screen recording 2023-11-30 6.27.28 AM

What about my system?
You could try it.

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I did use your system, I’m just trying to test both.

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Wait, don’t use the OR block. Just use if and Else if

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