Respawning Help


Why did he stop replying?

Hes probably going back and forth between GKC and the forums, IDK

And yes, I’m back.

Better start working on @Blizzy 's method, might be AFK on the forums a little, but see ya!
Oh wait, @Blizzy , do any of the property’s settings need to be changed?

Make a timer

(Lifecycle) Event Occurs —> (Repeater) Start Repeater

(Repeater) Repeater Runs Task —> (Counter Timer) Increment Counter

(Make sure it’s linked to a property)

Now, make a place in an out-of-bounds area where the knocked out player will stay when knocked out.

(Lifecycle) Player Knocked Out —> (Teleporter) Teleport Player Here

Now, connect the counter to a zone (make sure it is player-scoped) that is where the players fight.

Make sure it is not in the reach of the “out-of-bounds” area.

(Counter Timer) Target Value Reached —> (Zone) Activate Zone

Now, connect the zone to a wire repeater to deactivate it once a player enters it.

This will make sure players can not cheese the player-checking system.

(Zone) Player Enters Zone —> (Wire Repeater) Repeat Wire Pulse

(Wire Repeater) Wire Pulse Repeated —> (Zone) Deactivate Zone

Now, connect the zone to a Counter with a Target Value of 2 and a global scope

(Zone) Player Enters Zone > (Counter) Increment Counter

Now, connect the Counter to a Relay (all players)

(Counter) Target Value Reached > (Relay) Trigger Relay

Then, connect the Relay to a Respawn device

(Relay) Relay Trigger > Respawn Player

Lastly, connect the Zone to a Trigger.

(Zone) Player Enters Zone > (Trigger) Trigger

Put this in the blockcode:

if Get Property “property” = 1
do Broadcast Message On Channel “grantcash”

That’s A LOT to take in. WOW!


Oh wow. That is huge and very helpful. Not to mention, this could be a guide! Thanks @Haiasi !


Almost the same as I said


Which one should I mark a sloution on


@Haiasi You decide. I guess I could have it though, I have less solutions…


@Blizzy because @Haiasi already has like 200 something.

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Yeah, you could have it lol.

Now let’s get back on-topic.


Ok, why not?


oh wait I almost forgot:
Do any of the other settings need to be changed in the properties @Blizzy ?
Screenshot 2023-11-26 7.01.44 PM
Screenshot 2023-11-26 7.01.37 PM


No, it’s right

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Ok! Thank you!

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Wait @Blizzy , do the relays NEED their own channel? Or could you just use wires to connect the relay to the trigger?(Sorry to keep disturbing you)

@Blizzy went AFK.

Oh yeah i forgot.

Also, look at my profile, at my location

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