Respawning Help

Is there a way to make it so that when someone dies in a certain area, it does certain stuff?
Is there a way to make an area to check if someone dies?
I’m making a fight to the death thingy in GKC and they have 60 seconds. If one dies before 60 seconds, I want to make it so that it checks to see if one has died and if they have died, it stops a repeater and teleports everyone back to the main place.

(Lifecycle) Player Knocked Out —> (Zone) Activate Zone?

(Zone) Player Enters Zone —> Run Event

If this is not what you want, I recommend fixing the commas because it might confuse people.

In the reader’s perspective, you want to make it when someone dies, something happens in a certain area.
Remove the comma after “dies,” sounds more clearer to read.


But wouldn’t the lifecycle look at the whole map @Haiasi ?

When a Player is knocked out, it’ll activate a zone running an event once a player enters it.


I fixed the comma part:

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What do you mean by that?

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the lifecycle detects on the whole map if a player is knocked out.

then, once receiving that signal, it activates a zone.

now activated, the zone runs an action once a player enters it.

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Sorry, I’m not that bright but

What does that part mean?

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It will run whatever you want it to do when someone enters the zone


OHH ok!


Think of it like devices sending signals to each other.

The first wire is an event that has to take place to run an action.

Once the first wire is true (in this case, the lifecycle and zone’s game start and player enters zone) it sends a signal to run a pulse.


Basically Cause and Effect. The Wire is the thing that connects them.


Wait, so here. There is a button that triggers a trigger. The trigger has block code in it. Here it is(I felt kind of dumb on this part).

Screenshot 2023-11-26 6.34.19 PM
Then, when Fight to the Death is broadcasted, it triggers two relays. Their audiences are set to random player. Those two relays are wired to each of their own teleporters. There is also a timer that goes for 60 seconds. If they can’t kill each other after those 60 seconds, it makes everyone respawn. I just need to figure out the part where if they die before that time limit, the person who won will get a huge cash prize and the person who lost gets nothing. If one kills the other before the time limit, everyone gets teleported to one spot.

Be back in a little


Set the player’s name to a property, each. Now, when a player knocks the out, check if their name is one of the properties. Then, grant cash.


Does that mean that I will have to force them to put in a certain name?

Ok, now I really have to go, be back in a little, would be helpful if you stayed online thanks


Hello, @Blizzy, @Haiasi, my 2 favorite people on this forum. Besides myself.

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No, like, when receiving on the relay, their name is set to a certain property.


So I would have to make a relay channel for both relays?


Kind of, yeah.

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That’s off-topic, you know. Are you here to help?

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