Stationary projectile

Oh, you’re giving me bad ideas for lag machines.

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That softlocks the game? I tried that back in June, and there was not any lag.

i did simultaneous item granters and removers both set to max that ran at game start, and every time I opened the map, i would get a connection error

ok, 40k memory worth of text devices ready, time to go


Oh. I just set the item granter to grant me around 1 quintillion bait, then ran around the map filling it with overflow.

i crashed it with the plus/minus lag machine!!

now to make it lag, and not crash…

Lag Machine Achieved The Tab Only Crashes After about 5 Minutes of Calulations. I used the quantum portal machine gun, the system looks like this.

Why such a small space you may ask? The goal is to create as many collisions as possible I used quantum portals as they have the largest splash. The quantum machine gun is by @potato1


BTW, one thing I found (not related to stationary projs, but just a weird bug) – if you set a bunch of high-speed item granters on you in a trail with item removers running at the same time, but AUO earlier, picking up the items will cause your entire trail to disappear

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Also to specify the sentries are set on different teams so they fire on each other. You would also recommend walking away and coming back a few times in order to build up the stuff. Thank you potato1 for the suggestion.

It would be more laggy if the projectiles were aired longer, as the game would render more projectiles


As a former Minecraft player, I know all about lag machines. However without command blocks it’s won’t be as easy lol. I’ll do a test with a lot of props showing and hiding, that should lag the game really well

Custom trails were created by @mysz I believe a while back.

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I found @WhoAmI.

Found this guide, might help

props don’t lag much until you get to a certain threshold, then theyre a bit iffy from there. eventually, they’ll just hardlock your map.

Really? I thought the constant forced rendering and re-rendering of props would lag it

Eh… I don’t think so. Maybe, but I feel like I already tested that.

insert shruggie here

Make relays broadcast to all players. In a trigger with a delay, make it do a bunch calculations on a player scoped variable. After that, it should trigger the relay.

that only works if you have a lot of friends, which us educational game testers do not have

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Alts, alts, alts. Invite your imaginary friends.

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That’s true! :smiley: