Hey I need help with red light greenlight I haven’t played gim in a year and I forgot the password to my forums account but how do I make red light greenlight in gimkit?
there’s a few guides for this I’m pretty sure
here’s a guide for red light green light. https://forum.creative.gimkit.com/t/tomatian-way-to-making-red-light-green-light/84749?u=cinnamonroll_cat (also welcome to forums baseballking7)
- Look before you post
- I made a guide on this
Spyde's guide into re-creating the squid game (wip)
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Hey so my post closed automatically so I have to post again because I need help making red light green light and the guide I was given makes it so a player controls when it is red light and green light and I need it to be automatic.
Use randomizers to randomize time in seconds, and use a bunch of triggers with different delays that trigger it to be green light. Do the same for red light.
wouldn’t that make it so it could possibly go from green light then it says green light again or vice versa
No, because the randomizer is deactivated and another is activated.
Hi welcome to the community and I gotchu on the guide! [quote="Tomatian Way to making Red light Green Light!
Let’s see if I can make one without tons of triggers spammed all over the place though >slight_smile Materials 1 Lifecycle 1 Relay 1 Team Switcher 1 Player Coords. Device 1 Trigger 1 Respawner 1 Wire Repeater 2 Buttons 2 Spawn Pads 3 Notifications Step 1 Grab a lifecycle for “Game Start,” a relay on behalf of “random player,” and a team switcher that switches to Team 2. Wire the lifecycle to the relay: Event Occurs → Trigger Relay Then wire the relay to the team switch 1 this is from a fellow helper that helped me when I had the same problem
[/quote] Bardy_2913
the quote did an oops
Welcome to the forums @baseballking7 !!
I tried to make it but the person pressing the buttons is getting unalived too
sorry I’m kinda confused by that?
so the person pressing the buttons just needs to be in a zone and they are fine???
If the player doesn’t move when the zone gets activated the zone won’t track the player.
what do I need to do to the zone other then just put it there?
I’m kinda busy rn i’ll help you later :D
Anyone? Please
I need help