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Hello my beautiful forumers! Welcome to…
for our first game we are gonna… “borrow” this guide by bardy and
i’ve played these games before!!!
Hey bitter, do you mind?
no i actually don’t
So this is bittertaco, he’s my best friend
Anyway… here’s the guide
red light green light
Tomatian Way to making Red light Green Light! [ 🟩 ]
The terrain used was sand, and plastic red for the finish line, then the walls are a blue with the colrs on
For our next game, bittertaco is taking over this one, since i made the guide and i don’t wanna repeat myself
ok, you’re gonna need …
team switcher (spectator)
metal poles (black and yellow)
speed modifier (0.50
Ok, spyde told me that for this, we are gonna make a triangle but you can make any shape you want
Ok, first make a circular barrier with the colours
Now make your shape using the medal poles like this
Now you are gonna get zones and make them around the poles but leaving a close enough area for the player to walk on
Now, you are gonna get a lifecycle and a speed modifier and give it a 0.50 speed setting
And you are gonna add a teleporter so when they get at the end of your shape, they get teleported
now, i’ll be taking that *whispers: he is annoying, isn’t he?
i heard that!
Ok, people have made this before so again i will “borrow” the guide and put it here
glass bridge
The Glass Bridge from Squid Game in GIMKIT CREATIVE 🟨 or 4/10
How to make Squid Games Mingle! (🟧) - #4 by Spydecraft245
No need to make the system, someone did it already.
How to make ddakji from squid games!
I will be adding more soon so i will need wiki on this
contributors (only if you did something helpful
Oh, i pressed post
(Dang it!)
I guess we can cool this a guide so far
looks like a super great guide when its done
(i hope i dont get the mona lisa cookie)
Has long has you can make it with medal poles, than you can do it
(If somebody makes it, i hope it isn’t in season 3)
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January 14, 2025, 8:36pm
Making a game full of m urder👍 awesome
it doesn’t even contain the blood, plus some people have made some guides kinda related to this
it’s nice that you found a simple, yet unique way to re-create dalgona!
maybe try creating the newer games from season 2 also?
(my favorite is the merry-go-round like one. i forgot the name even though i finished season 2)
1 Like
Long answer: I will be adding more and if we get a trailer for season 3 sometime this year, i will theorize (or just watch film theory) and find what those games are
Short answer: i will add more
Spydecraft? This is really good! Also, did you change your profile picture again?
Edit: Spyde, I think you know what I’m gonna say… LOOK UP
No no, just asking. It’s cool but confusing at the same time!
if this becomes a guide becomes a wiki, yall can add something with MY permission
hey @Bird ? could you make this a wiki so i can edit it later on and add more to it?
January 14, 2025, 11:49pm
Just made it a wiki for you.
thanks! hey, have any suggestions of games to add?
i forgot some games of season 1
January 14, 2025, 11:52pm
Well I don’t watch squid games so I don’t know anything about so no. Just glad I could help.
Ok, today i will be adding the spiny thing frome season 2
If anyone wants to collaborate on this, they have to ask me