Specific map ideas to build

Let’s get On-topic

Any more ideas? Also, BUMP

2 teams with occupation points all along the map which you have to occupy, these occupation points regenerate health and ammo. The team with the most occupation points wins

Sooooo, like a battle royal with points you have to reach?

Yah that’s what I’m saying it would be awesome if someone made that



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ahhhh much better

Some of these seem kind of generic, but still good “guide”. I’ve actually seen a lot of these made and get cancelled during development…


New rule on this, add your idea yourself, I may tell you if it’s too generic. (Not specific) Also, bump. This new rule is to save my time. There is nothing in this blur.

Bump, also, sorry, I will make this a wiki

Sorry, I can’t edit it anymore

I’m bumpin 4 joy!

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quick question is there a way to change my username

Don’t get off topic, there are help posts on that, check those

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Oh okay I’m sorry I can delete the post…

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These are great ideas! I might do the protect the prop map!

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Welcome to the community @UltimateQibliFan! Thanks!

thank YOU for the ideas!

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Bump because everyone is asking for ideas these days

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