Simple (Listen when I mean simple) way to get every players name in a separate text box?

Like, if me and eight other people joined, how would I get each of our names into a separate text box?

Hmm maybe idk if you could do it with text but Ill make sure but there is defiantly a way to do so with a pop up

Look at the solution on this!

I’m not sure if I understand what you are saying.

Like, so when A player named Victor joins, Victor’s name will be displayed in a text box. WIth anything manual to do.

So each player has their own seperate text box?

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yes. So like, here is what I’m trying to do with this.
Each players name will have their own separate text box, and each will have a button next to it. if their name gets over five button clicks by everyone else, then they are turned into a spectator.

So I see you want to make some sort of voting system.
Try this or something I’ve ran out of ideas

Here, this should work:
Place a lifecycle and wire it to Game Start. Then, connect a wire so it activates a relay at the beginning of the game. This relay will activate a text box, and it will have block code that edits the text to say the triggering player’s name. Then, below the text box place a button that says Vote.
Would this work in theory?
Lifecycle Game Start> Broadcast gameStart > Relay Recieve gameStart > Relay Broadcast playerName > Text Device Trigger when recieving on playerName > Block Code: Create Text with Triggering Player's Name
This might work but I haven’t tested it. Let me know if anything needs to be clearer.

The guides everyone else have posted are great too and will work for what you want. The guides are also more explained and tested than this response so look at those…


Small little thing here, Game Start isn’t necessary, you can specify the lifecycle event.


basically, assign a player a textbox by triggering a random player, then give that player a seed. now, when u trigger again, check if they have seed. if they do, dont let them

Got it! I’m fixing it right now.

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That won’t work even know I have an Lifecycle (all players) it will only track one player’s name :frowning:
Screenshot 2024-11-18 6.01.49 PM

this is what u need.
you need a tracker to see who got assigned a text box

Well It does work But I forgot what they used to get everyones names to pop up

also, side note, you should remove all seeds once the text boxing is finsihsed

A physical text device on the map would work. Popups would be harder but possibly doable if you had a way to click through them.
Like a call to action and each player’s name would be on a popup with a button saying “Click”

Did you add the relay? It will re-broadcast the signal for all the players.

There is no way to do this without blockcode.


Sorry! I promise i’m not just trying to argue, but my game has too many people for that!