Should I make a GKC game as a memorial?

I’m finished with the list of people.
Also, I recommand a forums themed amongus map since that was popular.

I agree, but OG does stand for Original gamer. You can’t really refute the definition of a word. (or whatever OG is considered…)

Am I going to be added?

That’s different here. I’m not changing the meaning, but rather defining the meaning within this specific community. In this community, people referred to as OGs are people who made good contributions to the forum in that time. Either way, I’m not going to reply anymore. If anyone want’s to talk further, I’ll be on the wix.


I dont think so @StacheIsTaken … You joined in november

Caternaught joined in December.

i had three acounts, i thought we discussed this

(post deleted by author)

sure but this account “Caternaught” isn’t OG.


@Caternaught’s a he.

alr alr I get it now, no need to make two posts about it, it was a simple mistake

i urderstand it was a mistake, i did not state my gender in my profile, and I’m sorry there was a second post bout it


I also plan to include categories for both Original Members and Great Contributors (both definitions of OG will be covered). @StacheIsTaken, you’ll be in Great Contributor, @Caternaught will be in Original Members since you were here (under a different account).

I want to include all the notable people in the forum, old and new (while still fulfilling the game’s original goal of honoring the Original Members who’ve been slowly leaving), along with all its history. Also, thanks for your help tracking down the OG members, @Captain-Gim - I appreciate it!


@WhoAmI, @Here_to_help, and @Little, as Gimavengers, can you ask CringeKarlScott if I can mention him in my game? Also, can I mention you?


You can mention me, as for CKS, no clue. Also, @Little isn’t really a thing anymore, as she got banned, but joined back thinking her ban was some sort of mistake or bug.


Ok, thanks. Who else is a Gimavenger that I haven’t mentioned? Anyone? You’re all legends among the OGs.


@Little isn’t silenced or suspended at the moment so I think they can answer

This is a list, but it is locked.

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Yes, but they don’t get on anymore, so they are likely not going to see it.