Save Code with Encryption! (Around 5/10 difficulty)


Hello! Recently I’ve been working on a save code system that makes it hard for players to cheat with, and I wanted to share it with you guys as I found it VERY helpful! Let’s get started!!!

What you will need

6 triggers (with block code)
5 wires
1 lifecycle
1 relay
1 game overlay
5 properties

The Guide!

First place down a lifecycle, and have it transmit on Game Start when the event occurs
next make a relay and have it relay on channel Start Save Code to All Players when receiving on Game Start
now make a trigger that triggers when recieving on Start Save Code with this block code!
Screenshot 2025-01-08 3.17.42 PM
Now before we continue, we need to
make these 3 properties!

Name: Save Code, type: Text, scope: player
Name: Save IDX, type: Number, scope: player
Name: Data to be encoded, type: text, scope: player

Once you have created those make a trigger that triggers when recieving on Loop that deactivates when recieving on Show Code and activates when recieving on Loop
and add this block code to it

Next, make a game overlay that does this block code when recieving on Show Code

Now before we continue we need to make 2 more properties!

Name: Cash, Type: Number, Scope: Player, Value: [any number here]
Name: Character Equiped, Type: Text, Scope: Player, Value: [just put a random name you can think of here for testing]

And now we are set!
Place a trigger that when recieving on Encode Cash triggers.
add this block code to it!
Screenshot 2025-01-08 3.28.57 PM
Now Duplicate that trigger and change it to recieve on Character Equiped
Edit the block code to set the Data to be encoded property to the Character Equiped Property!
next wire the Encode Cash trigger to the Trigger that recieves on Loop
this wire will activate the trigger
now make a new trigger with a delay of 0.03, wire the Trigger that recieves on Loop to this new trigger, this wire will trigger the new trigger, wire this new trigger to the Encode Cash trigger and the wire will deactivate the Encode Cash trigger.
Repeat these steps for the Character Equiped trigger.
Now we are ALMOST DONE!
make a new trigger that triggers when recieving on save code finished with this block code

Now go back to our game overlay and make it do this block code when recieving on Final Code
Screenshot 2025-01-08 3.38.51 PM
and now we are FINISHED!!!


So what this does is that we give a value to Encode, we Encode it by taking each letter and matching it with one in the alphabet and Symbols variable, by doing this we make it harder for players to just set the number to get RIDICULOUSLY high stats which they obviously didn’t obtain by normal means. however it also makes it simple enough so the player doesn’t get confused when inputting their save code! hopefully that makes sense.
Save code without encryption: very bad and easily cheatable
Save code with encryption: very good and hard to cheat!


In conclusion this is a save code system that makes it difficult for players to just edit the save in cheat. this doesn’t stop them from copying others save files, as that’s impossible to do for now
Hope you enjoyed!!!
oh and don’t say “Great guide” the :heart: button is there for a reason, do feel free to give feedback!

  1. set the “Alphabet and Symbols” variable to this string of text “abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890.,?!@#$%^&*()” ↩︎


Finally, better save code guide!

no poll but 5/10 diff i think.


I love it! I can finally add a save point update to my game!!!

great guide (i can finally make a save code in my games :smile:)

Wumpus would be proud :partying_face:

It’s 4-6, I don’t really dig into diff charts, but I think 3 is automatic when something involves blocks.


Why don’t you create a poll, or at least change the title to show the difficulty?

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Because A: i forgot
B: my opinion on its own isnt really enough to warrant a title change yet


I am still not understanding what makes this different from other save codes? how exactly does this make someone not easily cheat

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If not a title, what about a poll?

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The numbers represent letters in the alphabet and Symbols variable, it makes it more difficult because no one is going to check every single letter and number to see which number represents it. since the guide is public I can say that you can put the letters in any order you want to make it harder to figure out.

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so it pretty much makes it harder for someone to just look over your shoulder at your screen?

no, it makes it harder to edit the save code to for example give you like 100000000000 coins.


My question is still that technically, anybody could get a save code and share it with someone else who could then skip, correct? As you cannot detect IP addresses or cache anything or even update the game and cross a save code off the list when it’s used in Gimkit Creative? I’m aware you addressed this in the conclusion, but it’s interesting to think about. You could probably do it with a mod but that isn’t exactly accessible to most students.

I think save codes are neat, and this is a great guide, but I additionally think that Gimkit games should be- in general- designed to be played through at a reasonable time. I find it fun to go back through the Ascent of Mt. Snowy every time, because Gimkit in general is just a really fun game. In regards to the more complex games, save codes do make a lot of sense in order to sort of regain assets. Long tycoons would otherwise be impossible due to the server time limit.

I don’t mean to try to take away from the design of this system- it’s pretty neat- but save codes are likely always going to remain a last frontier of Gimkit.

That’s actually awesome.

It is quite possible I misunderstood this entire guide, in which case I will return to the depths of my coding project lol.

It’s nice to be back.

I don’t mean to offend you. Sorry if that’s the case. If it helps, you seem to be a good forumer worthy of attention.

I just realized I should have put this entire thing in a drop down. Eh.


and since I know save files are just play on words isn’t it just the same code to get to a certain point.

isnt like all save codes just already preset codes?

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Bruh, no offense, but did you look in my bio (under friend list)???

Also, @Fleet, how much memory does this take?

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this save code system is just getting rid of the basic cheating method, the old editing the save file trick. which most players use, if this doesn’t work they wouldn’t continue to try and cheat.

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I’m in someones bio? Achievement unlocked!

I’m kinda curious about that too. I want to add this to my game.


No, I just respect that you were able to have people recognize and get excited when you got back. I’m not upset.


but how exactly did people change it? how did they know. I have known save codes but still have gaps in my knowledge about it

Let’s say you have a game where you can have three assets: amount of water, projectiles, and coins. At the end of your “session”, the game gives you this save code:


You look at the save code and remember you had 5 water… things, 200 projectiles, and 900 coins. What might be a really easy way to give yourself more items next time you play? By editing this very simple, unencrypted save code.

So 005200900 can easily be edited to 999999999, which is far from ideal. Thankfully, we can encrypt our save code. Let’s say we’re just going to take this number and decide our standard method of encryption is going to be to multiply each digit by six, then add three extra digits at the end of the complete code to throw everyone off. Now the player is probably confused by this encrypted, seemingly random save code.

Now, you just do the reverse when the save code is entered in the next game. Divide the first nine digits by six and don’t bother to deal with those last three red herrings.

I’m not going to go into technical details, but presumably you just use item granters and strings to grant the items again.

In real life, encryption is much more complex, but this method will work for most codes.
Does that make more sense, @Gimkitsuggestor?

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