How to Load a Save Code! (Continuation of Save Code with Encryption Guide)


Hello! you may recall that recently I released a guide on making a save code with encryption! now that guide is nice and all, but what good is a save code if you cant load it! that’s where this guide comes in! now this guide does not show a way to input the save code as how you do that is up to you, however it does show how to load the save code and set the properties. lets get started!

Note: the reason I made them 2 different guides is I don’t want people needing to go back to the first guide just to see a REALLY important new section.

What you’ll need!

2 triggers
1 game overlay
1 button
2 properties
(+ the previous guide done located here.)

The Guide

First, before we start we have to do one tiny little edit to the previous save code system we made.

remember this script? we need to add 9 spaces to the start of the “Alphabet and Symbols” variable value. once you have done that we can officially start!
place a button that transmits on Decoding Setup when pressed. now make a trigger that when recieving on Decoding Setup does this bit of block code

Now before we continue we need to make 2 new properties

Name: Decoded, Scope: player, type: text,
Name: Decoded Numbers, Scope: player, type: text,

now that is settled, duplicate the save code encoding trigger and change it to trigger when recieving on Decode Loop and edit the block code to be like this

now duplicate the game overlay that shows the save code and change it to show in the top right corner,now delete the block code, and make a block code that when recieving on Show Decoded Code will do this code.

and you are done with the loading system, what this does is get the values that the encoded save code, well, encoded!
Please don’t say “Great guide” the :heart: button is there for a reason, feel free to give constructive criticism in the replies and ask questions if something isn’t going correct


it is already there, the blue here is the link.


I mean no offense, but the second to last image is rather pixelated- readable, but harder then usual. Could you possibly take an upscaled version of that screenshot? Otherwise, great guide and nice sequel.


This could be used as a terminal in my “Heck” divers game! Nice!

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Nice that you made a ‘sequel’ to the first one. I’m so jealous how you are so creative at making guides, I’m in a slump right now.


Yummy Save Code Bump.

save codes are yummy


LOL this is actually the first ever save code guide that’s worked for me. Remember the one made by @Shdwy? Yeah, forgettaboutit! I went through an entire help topic trying to figure out how the heck this guide works. (He left out a BIIIIIG part of it in the guide and just said to figure it out ourselves :skull:) So, kudos to you, @Fleet! You solved the in-game chat AND the save code!