Save Code System that cant be edited

I’ve tried to search for one, however none show up (I want one where the player cant modify it to cheat) If there isn’t one please let me know
Edit: This is now for help with making one on my own, since there isn’t one currently.

I don’t think there is a guide on save code.

i dont believe there is one where the player cant modify it.


I think it had been purged during the purge
The original

the original went kaboom yea.

the one above is what i’ve been linking

ah, that’s unfortunate. I guess I’ll try to change this to be help with making one that can on my own.


well what is this save code for in your game in specific

yea just went through the one i linked is the only one left somehow.

Ok, so my game has characters you need to buy, the save code is so you can keep your characters and currency after the game ends.
my idea on how to encode it is to use a string of letters and symbols and get the number of the character I need (to a normal player this most likely would be difficult to edit)

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Maybe if the person’s username is a certain thing, when you J0IN the game again it will automatically give you everything back?
I might be a high memory usage, though…

try asking on the wix or smth,
you might get some answers there

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Try using a played ID guide, like this:

As of now, I’ve figured out how to encrypt the players name. To an average player these just look like random numbers. This is really useful so I will be making a guide on it most likely

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Well yes but what does this do? They just enter in the number for their name, and change all the other numbers. And what if they spawn with a different name?

The system’s ineffective, it doesn’t stop players from cheating.


Yeah, now that I think of it, my suggestion is pretty faulty…

nope, they all use the same system. that’s why it stops them from cheating, its not just encrypting the name, but all values

I’m confused. How does that stop them from cheating? They just enter in different values, there’s no way to check if it’s all right.

Im back and I am now interested on what fleet is getting at

the cash cant have letters, if letters or special characters are detected it will not accept the save code, which makes it harder to cheat, sure its not impossible, but would a normal player try that many times to see what numbers translate to numbers and which ones don’t? I don’t really think so.

y’know what would be efficient but info leaking is maybe when they want to save they go to your email and say their username and then you put the username in the code

But this is at the same time dumb but HEY just an idea