Roblox - ABCD - Help

do you guys need help?

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All the help we can get is appreciated!


how do you want me to help you? i only avvaible during school hours.

I believe ABCD needs help with an obby type thing, I am already helping with the maze

@ABCD I am ready


plus… 4:00-4:30 is what we said

I said I was ready at like 4:00

um I am having an emergency right now… sorry.

If you can work on it closer to 7:30

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I think I might

Hey @ThatGim I am ready. the emergency is over.

Ok ready also


I have to leave I may or may not be back (we to set up a better system for this)

so u can’t work? It is fine if u can’t

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I can i’m back now

But it will be in short little burst ( like 5 minutes then like another 5 away then repeated)

let’s get on with the show.

the code will be the same.

Where will I find the code becuase I cant access the wix