[ 📰 Resources] Resources for Art

I haven’t haven’t been on for w hile, I haven’t got started on it :frowning:

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Hey, welcome back, @shinyrowlet! New pfp?

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yep. It’s a lot of shiny rowlet’s! there’s one with a hat, one in battle position, one in regular position, and more. also, thanks

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I’m gonna get started now.

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No problem! It’s really cool!

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@Anythinger How To Make Quagsire (from Pokemon) Difficulty 0/10 or :white_large_square: ) - Community Made Guides - Gimkit Creative

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New leaks!

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You can edit that in yourself since this post is a wiki.

Xp device? There has to be some sort of limitation, otherwise it will be broken.

Yess music! I wonder if you have to download a media file or you make the music yourself.

What’s the difference between cosmetics mod and player appearance mod?

What’s the mood device? Is that a cutscene or media device?

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I think the unreleased device icons are just a placeholder, because no way it would look like that.

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Some of them are properly designed though, so I would assume ones like the Cosmetic Modifier are maybe heading towards release.

Spam is so bad for the forum

My school has done something so I can’t inspect. Sad, I used to do it all the time.

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Yeah, spam adds a lot of clutter.

That’s weird. Can you not right-click or does it just not show up?

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So true, remember all of the reposts on the old forum?

It is gray, and you cannot click on the inspect button when you right click. Tried a million times, can’t do it. Neither can anybody else in my school.


I wasn’t on the old forum. Back in the day, I didn’t even know Gimkit existed yet. I found Gimkit in mid-January (or something) and this forum in June.

Now let’s get back on-topic


Yeah, let’s definitely get back on topic.

OMFG, thats how it is for me too, I HATE IT AHHHHH

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Yeah, anyone can edit a wiki post.

I highly, highly doubt that you’ll be able to upload your own media files. That much storage would cost them so, so much money. I suppose it could be a feature included with Gimkit Pro, though. As for the cutscene device (or at least that’s what it looks like), at best hopes, they might give us a cutscene editor to make cutscenes using the assets that are already in the game, which would be epic!

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Thank goodness for wikis.

I assume the xp device is for exclusive use by the gimkit team.

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What can sitting down Gims be used for?

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Idle animations for sitting on a bench.


@Blackhole927 QUICK QUICK MAKE AN ARCHIVE, the mods are online.

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