[ 📰 Resources] Resources for Art

@Blackhole927 QUICK QUICK MAKE AN ARCHIVE, the mods are online.

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I store all my leaks in a thread in the discord. Everything here is a repost.

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Oh ok, nice.

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Why did you delete my crap and replace it with a bump?

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Where was this information taken from?

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I forgot to mention, all is compiled from this MathThrive video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8N_Rex8m-3Q
The screenshots are from a video recording of Josh’s Discord Stream (included in the video)

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Bumpity bumpity BUMP

Thanks for considering my and other people’s work!


Hey, try not to bump if there’s been activity in the past 5 days…

okay, thanks for reminder!

Bump and someone needs to add ALL the new art guides in here.

That would take forever. If you want all the art guides, then click here > art

Easy version.

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Ik. I was joking about all the resources for tags.