šŸ“° Resources for #survival

These are resources for the survival tag. Feel free to edit.


Work-in-progress Resources


Coolio, thanks for mentioning me! Although, mine doesnā€™t really help anyone build anything, and I feel kinda bad for it even being on the forum.

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you should probbally add :newspaper:

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why canā€™t people just use the tag? whatā€™s the point of a tag if were gonna make these guides?

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As gimsolver said, we donā€™t need resources for a tag. In fact, we donā€™t even need resources, as tags can do everything resources do, without creating a plethora of topics.


resources should only be for stuff that donā€™t have a tag.

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If we need a resources sort of thing, then we make a tag for that. Resources are really just unnecessary. Tags are being majorly misused.