Pseudo tag system tuning help ._

Bruh ._.

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Thats still not been solved i made the actual system the base version of it works but this version i mentioned is not its being buggy
And a note on that he mentioned pseudo teams of which i have still jot made that version
Now brb inky pinged me on discord

What is the waypoint supposed to get close to?

Its supposed to mark peeps on team 2 that are nearby and deactivate the waypoint when team 1 player is out of range

You can’t compare two player waypoints like that. It just doesn’t work. That’s why this isn’t working.

Maybe by using zones so that when the person gets out of range the waypoint deactivates? (im just confused by the wording)

Reminds me of my “Marco, Polo!” topic I made back in febuarary

You couldn’t use zones, because they stay still, while people move around different blocks. So zones would only work with one in each square.

However, it seems the best way to do this is with the coordinate device. Use this system:

Basically, run some code that subtracts the distance between the two x’s and y’s, and sees if the differences are too big for the range. You’d have to have 5 properties:
x coord (from device)
y coord (from device)
saved x coord (saved for a player beforehand from device for comparison)
saved y coord (ditto)
saved team num (saved with the saved x and y so that we know who we’re comparing with)

Then, you would subtract the y - sy, see if the absolute value of that is less then the max range, if yes, then x - sx, see if the absolute value of that is less then the max range, if yes, broadcast “inrange”, if any of these are an else, then they are out of range.
If you need to know which person was the saved variable to trigger a waypoint, you have the 5th property. Otherwise, you don’t need that property.

Thats sounds a lot like what i was doing and i forgot to mention that the y and x coordinates are team based while the p#y/or x properties are global also for more detail this is the base version of the system i was using How to make a pseudo tag system :3

But if i misunderstood what ur saying lemme know i tend to have a smol brain sometimes ;-;

Ok, so your system looks somewhat reasonable. I’m confused as to why you’re squaring the difference, though.

I was going off the distance formula from google
It said to square root the result and so i did

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Wait, you want to find the distance. Well, then you would use Pythagorean theorem (basically):

sqrt {[abs (var 3)]^2 + [abs (var 4)]^2}

I think yours might not have been working because you never made sure it has the absolute value. Absolute value is the distance a number is from zero. Basically, it is the positive version of that number. Without this, you have a negative distance (impossible), and when you try to square root it, it wouldn’t work because you can’t have a negative number inside of a radical (at least for the real number system).
So whether you update your current system or use some of the block code above, make sure to include absolute value!

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I’ll try it tomorrow gn



you will never return.

why do we announce that we are going to sleep. it seems silly to me. After all, it is a forum and not discord ._.

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nerp still didnt work the waypoint still wont turn off after 5 seconds or even if its out of range ;-;

Can I see the settings of the entire system and all of the wires/channels used for it? Also, who’s the triggering player? How is this being triggered?

i looked through all the devices while taking screenshots of settings turns out i just forgot to make the coordinate system update the team based x and y properties ;~;
it works fine now i just need to tune its range so its not op

but none the less i´ll give you the solution by just marking a random post

Ok. Glad you fixed the problem!

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