(📢 PSA!) Don't Give Up On Your Maps!

What you see is a “Create New Map” button. You can click it if you have a map in your mind you want to make. But, do not just click 3 dots on the right of your map slot, then press delete if there’s a problem you didn’t know how to fix it, or find a solution.

DON’T delete your maps. If you’re stuck on a problem, use The documents, or the community forums, where you’re reading this right now. You can’t just delete your map if you’re stuck with a problem. ASK the community forums. People are getting smarter here for gimkit creative, and you should too. Make a new topic when you created a new account on the help section, then click “New topic”. Describe the problem, then post it. If you don’t also detail it perfectly, the community will not know what you’re saying.

I had to delete my first map ever because of a questioner. There was no kit, and i didn’t know what to do. It was because a KIT Link wasn’t in there. It was my fault that i deleted it. I should have asked the forums or look at the documents instead of deleting it.

I hope this helps. Remember, please don’t give up on your maps. A better solution is to read the documents or ask help in the community forums.

Thank you.

  • Bump.

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Really nice @LxmasHasCandy! (Out of likes for now)

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good, except what if you did what i did and recreated my map in another map. (ex. i took my battle royale and deleted it, then made it again at the end of my prison for people who escape)

It’s fine. But it’s not fine if you just delete it, but not recreate it again.

ok thx for that

@trust_level_3 one of you should make this a psa tag

Btw tagging @trust_level_3 doesn’t work.

i know, i just wanted people to know who i was talking to

Ah, my PSA, lost after 2 months.

Let’s play bumper cars. bumps the post (I’m trying to get 10 likes post, please heart)


already did, also welcome back!

Got you the final like.

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My first topic that reached 10 likes…
I’m happy about this

(note to mods: this is so people can see the psa)

I made an arrow dancer in gimkit; and after placing the 36 text boxes for arrows and the 36 wire repeaters, I realized that not one of the text had the “Hidden on game start” setting activated.
(Picture from GimAI/Mythtaken)

Anyway, I completely forgot about channels and lifecycles, and deleted the entire arrow dancer in my rage.



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Now i know my ABCs,
next time won’t you bump with me?

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New Greg pfp? Noice.

I just changed it-
