(📢 PSA!) Don't Give Up On Your Maps!

Well this would’ve been nice if i saw it before i gave up trying to make among us :neutral_face:my original map i deleted due to running out of slots

If you need more map slots, create an educator account. If you do, you’ll get a free trial for Gimkit Pro - meaning you’ll have 10 more map slots

I am on educator but I dont have pro

Wait, @Graystripe you can host more than 6 people?

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More than 5 people, yes if you have Gimkit Pro.

If you want the 10 maps, I think you might have to create a new account because I think gimkit only offers you the trial when you first make the account.

sweet it’s sad that you can’t have many people do a game unless you pay.

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@PotionMaster I have been on since the first cosmetics were launched, so I know. I am not being rude when I say this so please don’t take it that way.

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Ok, I’m not being sour about it or anything, I never really need to have more than 5 people in my games anyways

yeah, true thats why I kind of stick with creative because you can host bigger lobbys.

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Please don’t make my guide a chatroom…

Sorry, I won’t @LxmasHasCandy .


someone tag this beginner-must-read please

I have done it, sir Lxmas your lxmasness, lxmas of the lxmas dynasty.

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Mysz did, i got a notification from him doing it.

On my screen I did it though, must of lagged. Sorry for stealing glory.

I once played bumper cars at the carnival.

Thank you for helping out the gimkit community!

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Welcome to the forum!