Progressive Gadget Upgrades [🟧]

In One Way Out, for upgrading your gadget, Gimkit used a system involving Vending Machines which deactivate Barriers that are covering Item Spawners. Yeah, that’s cool. But I think this is cooler. Do you?

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Ooooops. I forgot to mention what exactly this is. Basically, you start with a Common Zapper. You can go to a Vending Machine and upgrade it to an Uncommon Zapper. Then a Rare Zapper. And when you get up to Legendary, you can upgrade it to a Common Slingshot, etc.

Alright, that’s enough. Let’s make it.

  1. Settings > Map Options > Items > Allow Gadget Drop = No

  2. Add a Starting Inventory.

  3. Set it up like this:

  4. Add a Vending Machine.

  5. Set it up like this:

  6. Copy the Vending Machine 3 Times. (You should have 4 Vending Machines.)

  7. Add a Property.

  8. Set it up like this:

  9. Copy the Property, and set it up like this:

  10. Add a Trigger.

  11. Set it up like this:

  12. Create a new block for the Trigger, when triggered…

    (Make sure over here, there is a space, instead of leaving it empty.)
    It should say 38/75 pieces placed. If it says something else, you probably did it wrong.

  13. Now, add another Vending Machine.

  14. Set it up like this:

  15. Add another trigger right next to the first one with the same options. The only difference is that it triggers when receiving on Next Gadget.

  16. Create a new block for the Trigger, when triggered…
    (Make sure over here, after it says Common, you add a space.)
    It should say 31/75 pieces placed. If it says something else, you probably did it wrong.

And now for the actual gadget upgrading…


Explanation of Image

The set of Item Granters on the right take away your old gadget. The set of Item Granters in the middle give you a new gadget. But… they can’t both happen at the same time, or else your new one will just drop on the floor. That’s why we have all those Triggers: to delay the middle Item Granters by 0.1 Seconds. (Wire Repeaters won’t work because this is channels, not wires.)

  1. The Triggers should all be in this format, and there should be one for every gadget from Uncommon Zapper until Legendary Evil Eye: (Make sure that Visible In-Game and Trigger by Player Collision are set to No.)

  2. The middle Item Granters should all be in this format, and there should be one for every gadget from Uncommon Zapper until Legendary Evil Eye:

  3. The right Item Granters should all be in this format, and there should be one for every gadget from Common Zapper to Epic Evil Eye:

  4. Press the :arrow_forward: button in the bottom right corner.

Start Over when Knocked Out
  1. Put down a Lifecycle Device, and set it to Player Knocked Out

  2. Put down a wire repeater, and give it a delay of 0.1 Seconds.

  3. Connect the lifecycle to the wire repeater, and connect the wire repeater to an Item Granter which grants a Common Zapper.

  4. Connect the Wire Repeater to a Trigger. (Not Visible in Game, and can’t be triggered by player collision.)

  5. Create a Block for the Trigger, when triggered…

  6. Oh, and also: Map Options > Items > Gadget Respawn Behavior = Delete.

Only 1 Vending Machine
  1. Change the options of the 1 Vending Machine, so that Deactivate on Purchase is No.

  2. Change When Item Purchased, Transmit on to Upgrade.

  3. Create a Trigger that triggers when receiving on Upgrade. (Not Visible in Game, and can’t be triggered by player collision.)

  4. Create a Block for the Trigger, when triggered…

That’s it! Hope it worked!

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So much work but so WORTH IT!!

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Agreed! Great guide!

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Thx so much! You literally fixed my game!

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How would I set it up where on knockout your weapon is upgraded?

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Use a lifecycle set to on player knockout and broadcast or send wire signals on when the event happens.

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I tried with vending machines and the code automatically goes to legendary since it is only being used for slingshot.

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I made it using vending machines, overlays (button), and item granters. The button takes away your current weapon and grants you the next tier if you have the 50 cash needed for the vending machine.


And I thought that making _____Land would take forever…


bump ba-ba-bump.
bump ba-ba-bump.

bump the good guides todayyyyyyyyyyy

we like consuming info
no more guides we say “oh no!”

so bump this useful information to say…


@NavyCatZ /NavyCatZ Rate_post

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Hello! NavyCatZ here!

What this guide did well

Introduction: There is an intro to this guide that explains what exactly are progressive upgrades in case some Gims are confused.

Structure: The instructions are divided into steps. There are also drop downs for instructions or explanations that aren’t as important as others.

Detailed Explanation: There is an explanation of all the devices in a picture and what they do. This helps readers take inspiration from the devices’ mechanics used in the guide and implement them into their own maps.

Visuals: Bushenberg included pictures, which are very helpful for less experienced Gims.


Optional Steps: There are optional add-ons to this mechanic that are well explained, just like the rest of the guide.

Poll: Bushenberg asked for feedback with a poll, showing that they wanted to know if they could improve.

Overall, great guide! Keep up the hard work! Tell me if you would like constructive criticism. NavyCatZ signing off!

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bump for :exploding_head:

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I agree

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You could make a number property instead the text rarities

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@Bushenberg isn’t on the forums anymore.

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Oh ok.

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That’s what I am doing for my game.

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My weapon upgrader: