[Post Deleted By Author]

So modeling with trig functions?


I donā€™t knowā€¦
I was just thinking about how you could rapidly activate and deactivate a prop to make it appear at a certain transparency, and that different colored props with different transparencies layered could make any color.


wonā€™t the platformer update bring players to gkc, then those people will find out about the forums and the forums will be alive again?

edit: well, more alive than it currently is right now

Maybeā€¦ I would say that it would increase the number of help posts.

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Hello, can I be in this project?


Anyone can be in this project!

@here, can we shorten this up? I donā€™t think anyone wants to read this since its too long.

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I can summarize every description, or shorten long paragraphs

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@Gim_Fishy, when did I say that?

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shoot it was on your post and I must of assumed it was yours sorry

Its ok.

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It was @Haiasi so sorry

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Yeah. Iā€™d like that a lot!

I added a bit. Hope it is good.

We lost @mysz to a requested suspension. Why, dude? :rage:

We will make him regret that!

Itā€™s his choice though. We canā€™t stop him. I can see why he left though.


He could have left without suspending himself

what if he has a question?

As Haiasi said, it was his decision to do this, so that was what he wanted. He probably wanted to suspend himself so he couldnā€™t just go on here. He might have wanted his absence to be a true one and stick to that. Iā€™m not sure if this discussion would count as off topic or not, so to be safe maybe stop talking about this.


Iā€™ll do a shortening and grammar check. @Haiasi, why are you editing?