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No, the gims are simply uncreative and lazy, we already have logic gates yet nobody uses them, we can make all sorts of crazy contraptions yet nobody cares, what we need is engineers, computer engineers that will revolutionize the gim world, to a new stage of computing and mind boggling feats its time we delve into bit-computing and throw away our freely granted mechanisms.

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Yeah, this. Gimkit creative’s bounds can be pushed so much more than they have been, but the only people I can think of off the top of my head that have every really pushed things are me, mysz, and getrithekd. (No offense to others)


I feel like one of the reasons for the decline is the lack of new content the last time there was a significant GKC update was the May 26th update months ago. I think that without a new update soon more and more people will become board and stop creating.


Another problem is that the forum moderators has not promoted anyone to TL4, by doing that we could have more control over self-moderation, and moderation would be easier.


Let’s not bring the TL4 discussion back. The mods have already said that they won’t choose any TL4’s, so its useless to talk about that.


Wow i seemed to have missed a lot, can some one fill me in?


I also missed some stuff, was not here for days


Ummm, a lot of helpers have been leaving and this was to try to remedy that. I don’t know what else you would have missed… It’s been pretty boring. I think that the platformer update will change things though.


Oh well thats good i guess, and yeah, that means we all have to learn the new platform soon.


Yeah, I completely agree with these points. It’s sad because there’s still so much to discover. I’ve been doing quantum mechanics research for a while now, and found so much fascinating stuff (double-chaining, concurrent recursion, etc), but honestly nobody cares. The average forum user doesn’t know about all this stuff, and is never gonna use it. I’m not sure how I would use it. But it’s still there. Teapot is absolutely correct. Until we get a bunch of kids that stay with Gimkit as they grow up, learn more about the game, and become the next technical Gimkitters, we’ve kinda hit a wall.

Wolf is right though, hopefully the platforming will change it up a bit.

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About the quantum mechanics research, did you see the AUO timer guide? It still has the .1 second limit misconception, but it’ll still be interesting.

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I checked it out, that’s pretty interesting!
As for the .1 sec stuff, I’m pretty sure a .01 trigger doesn’t ACTUALLY run 100 times a second (probably due to lag), but it runs faster than a .02 trigger. I think.

Lemme check.


Ok, rechecked. Apparently, 0.01 and 0.00000003 register as the same number, and the lowest number possible is 0.015. However, it seems that it runs about 60 times a second. (WHICH ACTUALLY LINES UP??? WHAT???)
yeah idk what’s going on but the lowest number is 0.015, anything lower acts as 0.015.

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Ok. Weird.

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Is there anything else you guys want me to do?

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Wait what? What’s double chaining?

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Shdwy’s been on a mega quest to break down the update order and the way the backend of GKC works. Double chaining is some weird thing you can do with channels, but i have no idea how it works or what it does.


Well, hopefully we will get TONS new ideas as Gimkit advances, as Gimkit creative is early access…


It’s a secret :smiley:

(weird backend stuff to do with wire/channel chaining at same time)


If you all want something to research, here is an idea I had-

So it might be possible to make a color display capable of displaying millions of colors.
Because when props are activated/deactivated, they fade in and out, you might be able to layer multiple 3 red green and blue props, then by deactivating and activating them at the right frequency, you could give them a transparency level. This would allow you to display any color a traditional computer can display. Thoughts?