Platformer guides? Vote on post 34

Oof. Don’t you remember the memes he created? I think he took it too far.

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Guys, we already had this discussion, could we not clutter up another topic?

He never created them, he just laughed and supported the making of them, fyi.


I just got here and the platform thing is going to be crazy

my bad @StacheIsTaken
wont happen again

I just here

does people with season ticket get to do the platforming thing early because i have season ticket and i looked at the news in gimkit and it said “Season Ticket holders will have exclusive early access before it’s available to everyone!” so is it going to be like that?

Yes, that’s what they said.
Once it’s released, season ticket holders get to try it until probably the end of the ticket when they release it to everyone.


in my opinion i think everyone should be able to do it at the same time

Well, no offense, but you didn’t make Gimkit, they did, and it’s a marketing strategy, they need money.

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oh im sorry but i was just saying that you know it would be more fair if they like did it at the same time, i agree with you the crew probably trying to make more money but imagine the small kids that play and they cant afford it

i agree with that their crew made the strategy but its just my opinion

My bad, alright.

Yeah, of course it isn’t perfect, but they are kind of on track to keep adding new ST features to keep up profit. In order to justify the money spent developing platformer modes, it makes sense to make it temporarily ST only, otherwise they lose money on it.

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no offense but you guys are not understanding with what im saying im saying its my OPINION i just thought that i would share it with you guys i didnt thing it would cause this much

Yeah, and we are sharing our opinions as well.

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Yes, we know it’s your opinion. That’s why we’re explaining our opinion and their decision. We’re not saying you’re against Gimkit. We’re just trying to explain why they do what they do.

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yea but you guyss are acting like im against gimkit and the crew i love gimkit

ok i thought you guys were like facts about gimkit

no need to argue about opinions.
gimkit made a marketing stratagey and thats it.
no more
yes we have opinions,
but no need to go back and forth

my bad guy im sorry @StacheIsTaken @Apoll02