Partially Functioning Chess! (Wiki for jjnitzan)

That wasn’t a bump lol.

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From now on, to fix that issue, whenever I’m just saying [bump] i’m going to put it in [ ] so nobody takes it as one. Thanks, @getrithekd, I was more confused than a cow with two heads…

oh okay i got really confused on that one bump at first but it really looked like it was a bump at the end of that senatnce

Yeah. Sorry…let me fix that…
Okay, I fixed it. Let’s not say anything else about [bumping] unless it actually is.

Why would somebody bump something twice in 20 minutes?
@California_Love, you shouldn’t need to put bump in brackets. This bump police is getting out of control.


Agreed. Bumping is not only useful, it helps bring conversion to the forum. I don’t know why everyone thinks its bad.

You can find checkmate by recursion with checking all the pieces and their possible coordinates onto a table and removing the possible movements from the king, if the next possible movement can lead to the king, check the king’s moves in all directions and check if there are pieces that can block the check, checkmate if there are no king moves and no pieces that can block the check. (there might be a better mathematical solution, but this can be easily implemented with an already existing logic board)

:rofl: I think you’re right, @getrithekd.
Also, I understand the rules for bumping, everybody.
You’ll know when I’m trying to when I do it; :bear:
Let’s leave this to only chess, now…


Wow someone finally figured chess out. A awesome job to you jjnitzan.

@jjnitzan did you still need to talk to me about smth on wix?



welp guess i gotta delete the draft

yeah thing is taking a lot of memory if i hearing right from blackhole it take a lot of memory just to detect a checkmate

idk why i replying to getrithekd

Yeah, it’s super cool. I can’t even figure out chess irl, props to @jjnitzan for making it in Gimkit.

i think there a chess board without the funcutions in gimkit?

you mean in props or…?

Yeah, and chess is pretty difficult to make.
There should also be notifications that show illegal moves, like capturing a pawn when a king is in check, (which he HAS to move in that case,) or a knight jumping somewhere it shouldn’t.

Also, make sure to include:

  • En Passant, (in-passing) [pawn only]
  • Castling (rook protecting King) [only when King hasn’t moved!]
  • Options for forking, skewering, (which are techniques)
  • Pawn moves two squares on the first move [pawns only!]
  • Pawn promotion [yes, this would take properties and chess pieces and popups]
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I have never played chess before but it looks like it’s fun to play. Are there any other board games possible to make in Gimkit Creative?

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Monopoly is one, but it’s a wip.


Ooh, I know! Maybe like the game of life.

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here are the ones i could find


Thanks @California_Love , @leo_flowers , and @vqnillaxx for the answers and suggestions to my question.

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If you are clever enough [1] you can take the general space moving system and use it in almost any game!

  1. and can understand my almost year-old rants otherwise known as guides ↩︎