Open-world RPG Game mode: [closed]

This is the official Lands of Roboton: An RPG topic.
I need help with this! This project is very ambitious and I can’t do co-op, so I need help. The way the map is made, there is only one major town in it. It is called Roboton. The map expands and spreads out from the town. 90% of it is just landscapes and a couple cursed plant camps that you can fight to try and gain loot. I want there to be beautiful waterfalls and maybe an area with a cool cherry blossom tree you could sit under. I want to prioritize exploration, but to do that I need a world to explore.

If any of you are able to just create some small landscapes and take a picture or make a mini guide, then post it here, that’d be great. Even just a little tree with a bench under it and a couple other props would work. Right now I’m building from scratch, if you could add even just 1% to the world, it would mean a lot. Imagine playing a game mode that a has 100 small builds from other players. That really cool, right!

In case you don’t have Ideas, here are a few things I need:

  • Frozen mountain path
  • Medieval ruins
  • (This is not in Gimkit Creative necessarily, probably just an art program on your device) Title Image/Main Thumbnail
  • Autumn forest grove
  • (not scenery) quest ideas in Roboton
  • (not scenery) quest ideas in crystal mines
  • (not scenery) quest ideas with traveling robots
  • (not scenery) quest ideas in autumn forest
  • More to come…


All posted builds will be listed here along with the user in case others want to use them. :smiley:

Cherry Tree

Made by ModerateCape86

Made by speedy_kd4

Crystal Mining Operation

Made by Oblivion_Gamez1245

Wooden Bridge

Made by Xa67

Lily pad pond in forest

Made by Thepickedman

Autumn Forest Path

Made by some_kid

Seaside fishing harbor

Made by some_kid

Made by Thepickedman

Foxy’s Tavern

Made by Foxy

Friendly plant store

Made by Thepickedman

Plant Hideout Idea

Made by some_kid

Wishing wells

Screenshot 2023-12-21 4.30.27 PM

Screenshot 2023-12-21 4.30.00 PM

Made by Foxy


Made by Shiggiebiggie

Indoor Tavern Quest

Made by Pokefan1

Also, I’m adding a new feature called the Roboton Support Level. This is a new credit system for those who posted builds or scenery. Here is how you advance levels and the rewards for doing so:

Level 1: Post a build/scene - REWARD: It will be added to the game.
Level 2: Post 3 builds/scenes and give a quest idea - REWARD: Scene will be named after or hint the user who posted it.
Level 3: Post 5 builds/scenes, give a quest idea, and be a part of the official Roboton Wix - REWARD: A Quest will be named after this user (not necessarily the one you came up with) and official enthusiast label on official Roboton Wix.
Level 4: Post 8 build/scene TUTORIALS, give a paragraph on 3 quest ideas, and earn enthusiast on official Roboton Wix - Live, planned Lands of Roboton: An RPG tour on gimkit creative where you can add 1 new build.

Here are all the level 2+ people:
Level 2:

  1. some_kid
  2. Foxy
  3. Thepickedman

Level 3:

  1. None

Level 4:

  1. None

I am sorry, but I currently need to fix the Wix group chat. I will add everyone when it is fixed!

Thank you for reading,


This post is a Bump!

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Maybe use this for the waterfall but use frozen terrain instead of water?

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And use this for the wooden bridge

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Thanks, but I was hoping that players themselves give me their art. If you’ve made something, please do share. Any scenery helps!

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This is another bump!

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1: The rpg tag is reserved for Community Made Guides.

2: The collab-post is unused, it was replaced by the wiki tag.


Stop bumping! It was literally less than an hour that no one replied! Bumping is for minimum 5 days not minutes.

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Sorry, i did not know that


try this for a cherry tree:


Thank you so much, I will add this!

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what do you mean by: Crystal (teleporter) mining operation?
Like A Fancy Teleporter?

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The teleporters are crystals. Or at least their skins are.

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oh ok

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uh for the Wix, I cant get in, maybe you can invite me to the group? My username is Seven Seas

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Ok, will do seven seas

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Do you already have all your device systems planned out? I would help with props, but I cannot do design to save my life…


Ok, i have extremely bad wi-fi, give it a couple of days and i can get the six up and running. Right now, nothing works on it, sorry.

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I have them planned, so far not made