Open-world RPG Game mode: co-op signups

Huh This is a great project! this should be real and worked on!

You know that you can make a poll with one option, right?

i would love to help! designing maps is a hobby of mine and I’m quite good at it aswell. (you guys could use canva instead for chatting if nothing else works.)

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how do we make the group approved?

@Oblivion_Gamez1245 be careful not to run out of memory, and since it is a school email, you probably can’t receive any email they send.

groups must be approved buy the site owner and it takes a while. Also you must invite all moderators and make them admin in your group

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can I be in the group this sounds fun, or can I have the j0in code?

You cannot share codes on the forums. Post it on the wix:

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sorry im on a school computer but that link is blocked :confused: Try this one then.

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so do I j0in a padlet and if so what?

That padlet is run by @WolfTechnology , and people will collab or test there.

@WolfTechnology wont let me in to the padlet

That’s a bug; unfortunately, there is nothing he can do about it.

I’m so sorry everyone. I am currently in the ICU with a lung infection. I believe this will make co-op incredibly difficult, so I am shutting down co-op. I still want to see your cool landscape ideas on the group chat, so please still sends those. All I’m saying is I won’t have a second player in my game.

Thank you,


I do hope that you feel better soon!


Thank you. God sure is healing me though.

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Everyone, if you are still interested in this game mode please go here:

Also, here is the official Lands of Roboton group chat:

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