Open-world RPG Game mode: co-op signups

I don’t know why it is so hard to find, but try this:
go to a random group (I did code sharing) and press groups
Then press Create Group:

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oh okay ill make one now thanks for the info lol

what do you think we should name the group?

I wouldn’t know pick one or use a random name generator

i think just The Lands of Roboton the game name

can you post j0in c0de here?

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i don’t have a j0in code

I won’t be able to reply for an hour or two
(I have an appointment)

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also in top right invite me by name. I am already on the wix.

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it says this
Screenshot 2023-12-16 11.15.21 AM

try again

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still doesn’t work be\ruh

I’ll make it then.

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hmm it is not working for me either.
Wait I have an idea. I think the group has to be approved before you can get members.

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Huh This is a great project! this should be real and worked on!

You know that you can make a poll with one option, right?

i would love to help! designing maps is a hobby of mine and I’m quite good at it aswell. (you guys could use canva instead for chatting if nothing else works.)

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how do we make the group approved?

@Oblivion_Gamez1245 be careful not to run out of memory, and since it is a school email, you probably can’t receive any email they send.

groups must be approved buy the site owner and it takes a while. Also you must invite all moderators and make them admin in your group

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