Please don’t call discobot.
i’m sorry.
Why shouldn’t I call him?
The age-old problem of clutter.
So anyway, do we have the agreement that nature-of guides should not be posted anymore?
- Yes
- No
It’s useless, disrupts the conversation and causes clutter.
Only time will tell, I guess. (replying to other post)
Until the next obscure device releases!
I agree. Really.
I agree so much that I can’t put it into words.
This forum has amazing parts and awful parts.
Some of this assuming is to regulate the forums or to help other users, but then some of it is really, I don’t know, not that helpful/kind of harmful. Please don’t go though, things will get better. They need to.
well, as of the current state, they can’t get worse.knocks on wood
Yes. But all agreements and kind words aside, is this still a wip as we unanimously decided to no longer make them?
i dont have anything cool to say but i agree
Well, there are still some out there. I say add those ones and then stop.
The On the Nature of gist was popular back then because it was inventive compared to most of what was on the forums. Most of the ones that are being made now just feel like they’re made in a factory, and they miss the flare the original had because they’re following a formula, unlike with Nature of Waypoint where it was more freeform and creative. Creating a Nature of post now is just talk about the settings, add a drawing, maybe throw in a few references to biology here and there, and even if it’s not complete just call it a day and create the post because you can always edit it later. If you want to do something similar to that, that’s definitely fine, but instead of draining this one idea, change the name, explain it in a different way, or just do anything that separates it from the original. Repetition of the same idea due to how it succeeded isn’t creative nor original and doesn’t require much thought.
That was said beautifully. Something really needs to be done with the guides, and the forums itself. We are entering a period of chaos.
Well, there’s a distinct difference between the expectations here and how you should act. For expectations, you just follow the rules, be kind, and be constructive. However, how you act is different, express yourself as much as you want, you don’t have to fit into a mold that other people put onto you. Nobody wants the same exact people and that’s fine, so don’t stress yourself out about how people want you to be, as long as people can expect a positive experience from you, you’ll be fine. (Replied to the wrong message I think but it’s to the same person.)
I had an old account that I deleted, it had so many angry replies from my art guides- I kinda wish the mods would remake the forums so that all the guides get sent to an ‘archive’ section and get rid of all the clutter. Then there could be new posts, all the new users who have learned from their early mistakes (myself included) would make actually useful posts, and the GCF would just have a clean slate. If there were really important guides from the old (right now) GCF, people can fish them out and remake them. This idea is probably flawed but better than what the GCF is now.
Actually, there is an archive setting. It’s just that they don’t have the time to do so. Now then, if we had TL4…
Ah yes… the higher-ups can possibly recruit a bunch of trusted tl3’s and tl2’s and experienced people in general to move certain things to the archive…
Yeah, if only they picked real, dedicated, and experienced people.
should probably get back ontopic to not get flagged tho
yeah good point
im in class anyways bye