"On the Nature Series" Collection [WIP]

Yeah, that makes sense, just leave the current ones be, and stop making more guides on it, devices in general don’t really need guides.


(I read fast) But some of the guides like @StacheIsTaken’s, Your’s, Mine (Apparently), are well formatted and nicely made. That’s why I said it has to have some effort put into it

There shouldn’t be rules on how to make a guide! Navy said it perfectly, it’s basically just TUGTED with a fun spin on it. It was okay as long as it was niche. The nature-of guides are no longer about niche things though.


The important thing is that there is something that distinguishes it other than the biology elements. That’s what the original “On the Nature” guide did that the proceeding ones didn’t.


WHy thank you, but I agree with you all,

How about we just stop making guides on things that already have guides on them and get mad when someone flags it.


I missed it when there was like one or two it was a fun thing then now we just have a bunch of clutter guides


Ok, so we stop making Nature-Of guides in general? In that case, tell everyone at the top by saying “Nature-Of guides are no longer allowed to be made and will be removed and/or flagged.”

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I thought mine was fine, but yeah, I agree.


I have read the essay, and I put my heart into all my work, people just don’t see it. I try to be whatever the ‘Originals’ say we should be yet I never can, I am sure half the people hate me. And the other half either doesn’t or has no thoughts. Why do people assume so much? It just hurts. I think I have said enough. Goodbye.


hey hold on! Where are you going! We all care about you and your thoughts! You’re amazing, everyone just makes mistakes! Please don’t quit!!!

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It isn’t targeted toward you. It’s talking about the general forum.


we do not hate you we all saw the nature-of and we wanted to make one so it became a trend


I’m sorry.

If you really put your heart into the guide, and it got taken down, I am really truly sorry.

Yeah, as the forums get older, us old forums users are just getting crankier and meaner, wishing it was like the good old days, while forgetting how crazy off-topic the good old days were.

If your guide had your heart and passion poured into it, and it added something meaningful to the forum, then I see no reason why it got taken down. Other than that, what I just wrote is what most of the old forum users abide by. We put our heart and passion into our work, and make sure it adds something meaningful to the community. That’s all it takes to be like one of us.


It’s nice to see when people put thought behind what they say and write something meaningful


We understand that you worked hard on your guide, we just don’t need guides on simple things. I’m truly sorry if you’ve been hurt by our choice of words. I read it, and I truly was impressed by your writing, it was just that the device was too simple.


What can I say, I’m here to help out.


Anyway I gtg but see you all tomorrow and sorry for all the trouble and commotion my guide caused

I, hereby announce, that I will make sure that I read what I am about to post to make sure it doesn’t hurt anyone. I just get mad sometimes when guides are too simple, but to be honest, the camera view guide was better than more than half the guides made today, it was just too basic. I will make sure that next time, I will consider others feelings.

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even though things may not be as good as they use to, I do think that every individual should try their best to be kind as it takes minimal effort and can help someone. I have hurt many people in the past, and I’m sorry, I hope you forgive me. Everybody in the forums (whether they admit it or not) has some fault to this (unless their inactive)


Will people still make guides after these rules and this long talk?
@discobot fortune

:crystal_ball: Better not tell you now