"On the Nature Series" Collection [WIP]

That’s cause it doesn’t really do anything…


Yeah, it doesn’t have many settings.

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I drew it for fun, but I guess that’s why.

I bumped into this:

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wow art for a bump

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I’m trying to make creative bumps, and creative guides now. Fun to read guides allows people to take in more information. (Ran out of likes)

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it’s a nice idea like thumbnails for guides
more art on this forum


Should we do the zone next?

It follows the more than 7 settings rule, plus it could be really fun!

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Sounds like a good idea I was doing block code


Important: Just because it’s the nature-of format or it hasn’t been done in the nature-of, doesn’t mean there aren’t already guides about that device that have covered the exact same things in a different format!


Alright! I can make a small rough draft.

On the nature of the Zone: One of the most Unique devices.

The zone scientific name is _____________ ← I don’t know

It can be used for many purposes. It’s most simple one, is detecting when a player enters a certain area/zone.

You can usually find these fellas in almost any gimkit map. It’s a very versatile device.

It’s closest relating brother, is the movement meter, being able to both track movement in a area, it’s just that the zone developed to have specific zone area.

This was just an idea though.

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I was going to explain each block in depth


R U sure? There are quite a few guides on the zone already

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I don’t wanna do the on the nature for the zone, but just wanted to say, Incase maybe some body wanted to do it.

I thought that most guides on block code just explained the concept and not each block itself

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@SpeedShinobi or @ClicClac, can you add this new rule on the top of the guide please?

My personal input is to stop posting these all together. I believe ClicClac’s original intention with his guide was to inform people about how to use a waypoint since many were confused about how to have it interact with a relay. He just added a fun twist to it, which is all that distinguishes “On the Nature” guides from TUGTED.

Is it a creative concept? Yes. Practical and helpful overall? No, considering we have TUGTED.


I still think I should have made it onto the nature of list…

Dang camera and its no settings…

I might as well also add that if the device is well known, it would also get taken down.

Read if you want to read an essay

To be honest, I don’t like the way that the series is going. It has become the next generation of low quality like farming posts, instead of being a niche treasure trove of knowledge on a few little-known, complex, or little-used devices. The vending machine? Used in almost every game. The camera zone? It has no settings or wires. The trigger? It’s in contention for the most popular device. However, I have no control over this series at this point. If you want to add it, do it. In my vision of this, there weren’t any rules on how to make a guide. There were only guides that people made that were quality and were made with love. The format doesn’t matter. The content is what I’m concerned about. Like, 90% of the know-how is contained in a dying population of people, ad the other 10% is things that no one will probably ever use, like wire are, or among us shaped rooms. Don’t get me wrong, I’m at fault here too, but the vast amount of users doing things like this is not healthy to the lifespan of the forums. Also, the prominent leaders that have been coming up in the so-called “New” Era (the New Era is defined as after August), are not really pulling their weight. Sure, there are a few people who just want to learn about GKC, but the vast majority are either here to ask very simple questions, or to chat. This isn’t May of 2023, people. The forum isn’t a few weeks old and GKC only a month older than that. GKC and the forums are months old, and people are still asking the same questions like they did back in May. That’s normal, but now, the recourses to educate yourself are right there!

Maybe, back in July, we (the old forum members + getrithekd) did too much. We did too much preparation, solved help posts too quickly. Now, the forums has a feel of stagnation and of trying to just repeat the same stuff over and over, instead of innovation. I don’t know how we could fix this, but fixing the mindset of the forums to not depend on the old users for everything would fix a lot. Thank you for reading my impromptu essay. I hope it’s coherent, and I hope you have a good night. Thank you.