Triggers are normally a very, well, triggery organism. It uses it’s own body in order to alert other nearby devices.
This organism is a very interesting one as it is the only organism that can be activated just by walking on it, which is not what the button can do.
This organism is from the Presuze Genus and the Interactium family. (activated by pressure,) (belongs to the interactible family of devices). This device has a gray plus sign etched onto its face, which shows Gims where to step. The orange rectangle in it’s top left corner will turn gray when it is dormant, and will bury into the ground. When awake, it will turn orange, thus allowing gims to step on it as it re-emerges from its slumber. As previously mentioned, this unique device will work on contact, giving the trigger it’s very sinister attitude towards Gims, which allows it to be a good trap device, as it can hide itself. Its current total population is unknown. (As of now)
One of the main uses of the trigger is its sensitivity. It has the ability to interact with a linked device, via a wire or through the air with radio signals. Its use in traps is very common in maps and may be hidden for a more surprising effect.
This device doesn’t really have much variability except for the following:
- It can be hidden using Visible on Game Start
- It can be dormant (not active) at the start of the game using Active on Game Start
- Trigger delay. This is used to determine the time between when a Gim steps on it until it transmits the signal to another device.
- As with most other devices, it has Active Scope, which allows it to be used by a certain Gim, team, or everyone.
- The trigger can also be deactivated by using another device through the channel name Deactivate when receiving on
Triggers are mainly used to start a wire, since they are, well, a trigger. They send a signal to other devices, which allows them to have as many possibilities as you can think of.
Thanks for your time to read this!