No longer possible guides

When? Can you show a screenshot? It would be revolutionary!

it stopped working for me about a week ago which is why i was talking about it here. i assumed it was just taken out…

are you joking

i feel like you are joking

Nope no joke…

No, those don’t have that tag because they don’t have a questioner.

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What? thats a thing?

Wait, how does the “Choose your Own Kit” thing work?
Does it change all of the Questioners in-game to the kit you’ve chosen?

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Using your own kit? Yeah, when you publish it auto does it. It causes more damage than it helps though, I’m afraid.

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Yep, it does, and it’s super annoying.

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Some times, sometimes, no.

You can turn it off though.

No, you can’t. That’s why it’s annoying.

Look at some maps, they don’t have it, and when you play they use questioners, so you some how can.

But there is no option for it when publishing. Maybe in questioner?

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Yeah, that is the only thing i can guess on.

I just checked and don’t see one. Do you know a specific map that has this?

Maybe they just don’t include Questioners?

No, just search for maps and j0in some that don’t need a kit, and see if they use energy via questions.

No some do, that is what is confusing.

Okay, anyways, back to the topic.
Lots of guides became (not really impossible) but tedious to the patching of Sentry-Device-Interactions.

Speaking of impossible/tedious guides, maybe try Tower Defense?

These might help

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