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Tower defense is possible, just not easy.

So how would we do tower defense with only text boxes?


If we use @CassiusDoomlorde’s style, we just subtract numbers from the property. If its 0, then its nothing. So now, we need the shooting.

So let’s summarize:
we have a bunch of properties that represent the health of each enemy, or if we wanna be fancy about it we have 1 property every 15 enemies that we just run digit extraction on.
we have a sensor that says when the property hits 0, it’s dead and we remove the text box.
the shooting can be done with trigger loops that begin on tower purchase.
shooting calculations can just be done with distance calculations.
but how do we keep track of the actual location of each enemy?

i think im almost done with my maze generator!!! python is surprisingly difficult (or maybe im just stupid lol)


Digit extraction is better because we use that for position of the enemy.

We could have every slot be a number, and every enemy type have a number.

But if we have a property for every slot, moving the enemies is going to be harder.

I didn’t say have a property for every slot.

Then what did you mean?

Encrypt it so that you have slot 1 (encrypting with) enemy type 4 and then do that for all until you combine them in a string. Then decrypt when you move them.

I’m saying that instead of having slots as numbers, we have the digit number be the position.

That’s what I meant by “slot”.

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@WolfTechnology so like can I get your code
if yes, how would i get it
sorry, off topic

What do you mean by that?

who me?
Nintendo Switch

Should we make a separate post about this?

well we never made a separate post when talking about how ss stood for snowy survival, and not a Nazi related topic

What!? I’m talking about the tower defense game!

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oh sorry whoops my bad
can you like reply to somebody else or tag them when you’re talkin to em

Yes, me and wolf and getrithekd are already making tower defense

so we got that