Need help with Escape Room - Reply with some ideas - Don’t over-look this, you’ll be missing out on something important

Is wix working see if its gimkit hosting in general or just you…

are you on doc?

no… but I will be in a second.

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Internet came back… Or just Creative I guess… Do you want to try?

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and maybe we can add @RektRainbow’s suggestion…

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On the topic of easter eggs you can add a name-linked system that gives you godmode or you get developer mode like if you j0in a game with “ABCD” or something you get mega-regenerating health and special attacks or something


Will add if I have space left… How much memory does it take?

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540 for each name-linked system you place.

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I am adding only one, @ABCD :rofl: :joy:

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Im back on

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You on @ABCD ?

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How to make a secret bookshelf entrance (pinching_hand Mini-Guide)

The Ultimate guide to Making an Escape Room

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@Legobuilder Can you work on it and test it?

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sure thing ill do it now!

k go to canva in a sec…

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let me finish up my question on another post real quick

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Sorry, I have to go… I can work on it like Tuesday.

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see ya later abcd

@Mr.Tomato and @I_Like_Props do you have google sites allowed by the district u are in? If so I can make the chat work… from the topic that got flagged earlier.

Stop changing the tag of escape-room!