Need a thumbnail

lol, btw does anyone else wanna make a thumbnail? I know the @I_Like_Props is and @ItzJay

I made a thumbnail yesterday, but nothing can compete with Worldo.

Arnt thumbnails not allowed?

There allowed again.

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Weā€™ll do a poll as soon as @Kat_aronii @I_Like_Props @ItzJay are doneā€¦

it was indeed on purpose

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HEHEā€¦ funny thing I havenā€™t started on the thumbnail yet .-. Itā€™ll be done by today (hopefully)


Btw, anyone else can try too

Btw @I_Like_Props are u making a thumbnail too? and @Kat_aronii are u?

I dont think kat is doin one


I am :slight_smile:
it might be bad tho

not to be really off topic, but yes, they are allowed again. and welcome to the forums!

OK, take your time. :smiley:

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YO THAT LOOKS SO GOOD :hushed: :open_mouth: :astonished:. What program do you use?

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I use Scratch :skull:
Iā€™m pretty good at it tho

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that looks like catagoriesā€¦i mean when you go to users page and can see whos most active, etc. it had ONLY gimkit awards catagory for usersā€¦why?

You made your thumbnail with SCRATCH?

it was an official event approved by mods for the best creative map on discovery I think they still voting and doing the result winner get gimcoins only a certain people had control or could make topics in that category