Name Chcker V2 Help

The solution works so-so. I do not get blocked but Mysz gets blocked.

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Which one? Mine or Getrithekd’s?

The elif does not work. Because “Mysz” gets blocked.

Can you send an image of the code?

Sure Here you go:
Never mind For some reason the bad internet must of cut out the part called Mysz. It works! For now…



Is this solved?

Almost, I have one more question for @here.

What is it?

I have to go, I will tell you later.

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@VALUEX My question is: Is it possible to create a name checking system that prevents you from duplicating a name. For example: player enters name - cooldude1234, The system adds "cooldude1234 to a list. If another person joins the system checks if they have the same name using the list and tells them to rejoin with a different name if that is true, if not the system will add that name to the list. Is this possible?

I was thinking list because of Python.

Yes it is, however instead of using a list, you can create a property that will contain the names you allow, then if those names are duplicated, it will ban them.

How would you do that? Could you please provide a screenshot?

There. That should do it. Just duplicate a bunch of times(or add more conditions for it to check)

What would the property “VALUEX???” be? Because you can’t make a property for each and every possible name.

The property would be a number property, default value: 0, and not every possible name, but every allowed name.

Oh yeah! I forgot that we were whitelisting!

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So would it work? I am not the brightest with properties.

Yes it would, but very block consuming, and possibly could make you need to make a second trigger system, which you were having problems with.

I will try it, but could you please tell me how I could try and incorporate a second trigger without problems? Actually I think I could create a second blocking popup.

I have an idea right now that uses scope, but I’m not feeling well right now, so I don’t want to do too much stuff.