Name Chcker V2 Help

That doesn’t work either, I don’t know why. At least for if blocks.

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Maybe it isn’t the trigger. Have you tried to make sure that everything else works?

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No no, same device, 2 separate blocks


That’s probably why. You can only have a single trigger with all the names, or it black lists all the names, the way you are doing it. You could have one of the triggers trigger the next one if the name isn’t on that list.

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Yes, I did that, but it doesn’t work.

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Check all other devices and everything to se if the system works right

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How would I do that, @getrithekd? That seems like a good idea, but I currently don’t know how to implement that.

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It did before I added the second set of blocks.

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Just make the second trigger receive on “Next Check” and make the first trigger broadcast instead of “Name Blocked”, broadcast on “Next Check”.

However, I recommend putting all the names in one block as much as you can to deuce how many blocks you use.

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I couldn’t do that though. Could you please tell me how? I mean the block squeezing part.

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I just did.

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@Blackhole927 do you have an idea of what I did wrong?

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Do you have two seperate if statements that check for player names?

if players are whitelisted
    dont ban

if players are whitelisted
    dont ban
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If so, because there are different names in each if statement, one passes and one fails, so all players will be banned.

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I tried doing that, but it would ban me every time.

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Do you have two triggers?

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Yes, but I originally had one. I had one original blacklist

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That is your problem I think… both triggers run and one passes and one fails
So all players are banned
If you stop one of the triggers from running, does it work?

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Yes it does. However I have 0 clue why.

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Ok so, the reason it only works with one trigger:

When the check is run on the player, both triggers are trigged, so both if statements run.
This means that one if statement that has the player’s name in it will pass, but one if statement will fail, since they contain different names.

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