MCC Meltdown Assistance

I am working ona replica of Meltdown from MC Champions. I need help with the following:

  • I need players to stay out of the game when knocked out. However, using a lifecycle and a team switcher will wipe the cash they collected. How do I turn them into spectators when they get knocked out but keep their points?
  • Rooms will start to melt as the game progresses. How do I delete the tiles ingame
  • I need to update a counter when someone picks up cash, adds it to their team’s score, and then removes the item to avoid an extra score addition
  • When a player is hit, they don’t get knocked out but are frozen. Is there a way to do that?
  • To make it easier for meltdown outs, is there a way to eliminate a player when they step on a certain tile?
  • Is there a way to trigger events based on a timer such as rooms melting
  • What’s the simplest way to end the game when there is only 1 team standing?
  • Once a round has ended, how do I start it up again while keeping the teams and their score?

There is more stuff I will need to work on. Help will be much appreciated!

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First one easy, just teleport them off the map

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Remix this part but put the relay on the different teams. Copy both relays for both different teams and when one team reaches the goal in the guide it will end the game, but it kinda ruins your restart the game thing again

might make a guide on how to make the game end with 1 team remaining :wink:

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for a timer, just make mulitble timers that send out a broadcast on a channel, which both activates the second timer and the thing that you wanted to happen at that interval.

Sadly we can’t do that, but you can use animation and props set on no collision below the player with layering.

You can make it in the settings that the score thing for a team tracks cash.

Sadly no

Yes, using zones and a damager device.

Yep! That’s possible. You can use a repeater (don’t get angry on me this is a newer users) and the repeater will constantly make a counter count up. Then you can use a checker when a checker reaches a certain number (which will be seconds) your time based event will happen

This can work but it will be a little difficult. You can change my guide from a end game device to teleport everyone back to their spawns and continues. A notification or pop up can tell the player the game starts again

Hopefully this helps! :smiley:

guides you might need

If you need any extra details I’m glad to help! But if I can’t get to you in time someone else can help, or I can help again in the afternoon near 3-4 PM est.


You can use these as some of the melt room examples. just saying

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No, they won’t be counted, so like @CustomCoaster just teleport them.

Lifecycle and a trigger with a delay of how long you want the rooms to last.
(Event Occurs (Game Start) → Trigger)
Once Triggered, make something appear in game, so it is like it melted.

Lifecycle (Player Knocked out) and a movement meter.
(Event Occurs → Activate Movement meter)

Use a trigger that has player collision on

How to make a live team counter that ends the game at one team! 2/10 or :blue_square:

Use a relay that teleports all players[1] at the start.

  1. Thats the relay audience ↩︎


I remade the system and tried to configure the relay to the teams. However, There are multiple team configs. Which one is the correct one?

  • All players on my team
  • All Players on specific team
  • Random player on specific team
  • Single Player on each team

sadly there isn’t a way to detect hits so freezing after a hit is sadly not possible right now. I wish there was a way as I have had frustrations because of this.

Sorry for the late response!

But it’s all players on specific team.

Any other matters of assistance?

Ehh, ngl that’s kinda almost necroposting. The Op has not been active for the 2nd half of days since his account was made.

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There was never a clear closure and it hasn’t been at least a week, and therefore isn’t technically necroposting.

Let me help the Op get un-inactive
@Ghosty2000 @Ghosty2000 @Ghosty2000 @Ghosty2000 @Ghosty2000 @Ghosty2000 @Ghosty2000 @Ghosty2000 @Ghosty2000 @Ghosty2000 @Ghosty2000 @Ghosty2000 @Ghosty2000 @Ghosty2000 @Ghosty2000 @Ghosty2000 @Ghosty2000 @Ghosty2000 @Ghosty2000 @Ghosty2000 @Ghosty2000 @Ghosty2000 @Ghosty2000 @Ghosty2000 @Ghosty2000 @Ghosty2000 @Ghosty2000 @Ghosty2000 @Ghosty2000 @Ghosty2000 @Ghosty2000 @Ghosty2000 @Ghosty2000 @Ghosty2000 @Ghosty2000 @Ghosty2000

Yk one is just as effective as 30.

Please don’t add clutter to the post


Ok, sorry. The mentions/references/pings were just for show.

You didn’t need to spam Ghostly2000 man