So, I wanted to make a big map that has twists and turns and a nice plot. But when I went to start on my map, I had no idea where to start. I need ideas! Do you guys have any? ( Props or devices. Any works. )
a maze but every turn is a surprise?
A clue board game were there is a murderer and lots of rooms or maybe monopoly
you should have a map based off of harry potter(if you don’t already) it has a good plot, big map, and has lots of secret passages and hidden things.
How about this, @leo_flowers:
- You live in a medieval town that’s home to [INSERT THING HERE], but someone (maybe use a sentry) steals it one day. You must pursue them into a deep, dark, menacing forest to reclaim it. You can add tons of side quests in the game such as meeting people in the woods and maybe doing side quests that help you accomplish your overall goal. How’s that?
puzzles. puzzles are always awesome
and if you dont like the idea search map ideas in the forums
for rekt
the wix is broken for almost everybody can you ask cassius or hat to reset the server i cant even view posts i refresh like 50 times and logout and log back in its still bugged whatever yall did it done broke somethin badly
it’s a whole big problem
talkin w/ cassius rn abt it
ill tell him
oki thanks
how about a maze but the walls move every 30 seconds and there can be sentrys to fight
How would you make moving walls?
animation and a randomizer
wixsite down for ‘Maintenace’ again
what seems to be the issue with it?
I was going to say well, you can use barrier props and animation instead
you can give the illusion of it, like how you make a working door
yeah that or prop animation.
Wow! I tried accessing the site and it says it doesn’t exist.
@CassiusDoomlorde and @RektRainbow, since I use WIX for my blog, I’ve gotten pretty good at fixing technical problems. Do you want any help fixing the problem?
Check this topic, there are some good ideas:
it’s not that simple and no
the issue is a wix basic plan has some issues running a 2000 member site
yeh that would be very tedious even if ur maze is small the amount of randomizers needed and planning where every wall would be so you dont get trapped in the walls not to mention the amount of memory that sheer amount of randomizers would absolutely shred to pieces