Manually modify the capability's of a gadget

is that your way of saying that my question was off topic

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Nope, we’re just really bored. All the off-topic posts we’ve been making are proof.


Anyway, have any questions? Sorry, I’m just bored lol

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yes i do are you able to make something like the agent of the month sign thats in tag in creative

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How is agent of the month determined? By number of kills? Sorry I don’t play tag that much. And is it announced on a visual prop or an overlay?

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I think it just chooses a random player.

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Here’s a question: Are you able to display the amount of money you won from the lottery machine without altering Lxmas’s block code?

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Ig you can make the transmit on channel thing also transmit to a unique notification.

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ya its probably just random and you can make it that one player can “sign the wall” so maybe you make so that it choses a random player

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how should i know i didnt make tag

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Use this guide

and make a relay set to random player transmit to the block’s channel. If you want it to have one per team have two relays set to random player in specific team

Any more questions?

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I have a question @NavyCatZ, who made the gimavengers and guardian of the gimaxy?

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Anythinger or WhoAmI

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ok thanks

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ClicClac founded the GimAvengers and Anythinger founded the Guardians of the Gimaxy.
I’m pretty sure this is correct.


This is when ClicClac made the GimAvengers:

And I cannot find the post in which Anythinger came up with the Guardians of the Gimaxy, but Anythinger alleges it on their Real Name area.


Bro I made the guardians too. It’s in the same post where I made the Gimvengers.


Yes I know (I should have clarified this), you made the idea of the guardians, Anythinger named them (I guess to Anythinger that counts as founding them?).

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@ClicClac chose the members

I just chose the helpful people I saw everywhere, and highlighted some newcomers who were becoming like them

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