Manually modify the capability's of a gadget

@GimAI /gimai_help can you manually modify the power of a gadget?

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You canā€™t modify the attack power of a gadget. The best you could do is offer different rarities for it, as they do different amounts of damage.

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@GimAI /gimai_help can you list ten things about gadgets

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GimAI is no longer active. Sorry.

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GimAi was banned and the owner isnā€™t going to continue using it. Long story.

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i know but i thought it was reactivated because i thought i saw that it had responded recently

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It is unbanned but the owner decided to not use it anymore. But hey, you can always ask us questions. You can tell weā€™re really bored by the amount of off topic posts

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is that your way of saying that my question was off topic

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Nope, weā€™re just really bored. All the off-topic posts weā€™ve been making are proof.


Anyway, have any questions? Sorry, Iā€™m just bored lol

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yes i do are you able to make something like the agent of the month sign thats in tag in creative

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How is agent of the month determined? By number of kills? Sorry I donā€™t play tag that much. And is it announced on a visual prop or an overlay?

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I think it just chooses a random player.

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Hereā€™s a question: Are you able to display the amount of money you won from the lottery machine without altering Lxmasā€™s block code?

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Ig you can make the transmit on channel thing also transmit to a unique notification.

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ya its probably just random and you can make it that one player can ā€œsign the wallā€ so maybe you make so that it choses a random player

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how should i know i didnt make tag

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Use this guide

and make a relay set to random player transmit to the blockā€™s channel. If you want it to have one per team have two relays set to random player in specific team

Any more questions?

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I have a question @NavyCatZ, who made the gimavengers and guardian of the gimaxy?

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Anythinger or WhoAmI

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