How to Make a Signable Board đŸŸ©

This isn’t a game part, but a nice detail that could make your game more interesting!

  1. What you’ll need: A board prop of some sort, text, and a button
  2. Put down a board prop (I used a Wide Blackboard)
  3. Put text over it
  4. Make a block in the text for ‘When receiving on channel’ that will look like this
    You can make the ‘waz here’ part anything like “signed”
  5. Put down a button in front of the board that says something like “Write on Board”
  6. Make it so when the button is pressed it sends on the channel that activates the block
  7. Make the text not visible on game start, and make it visible when the button is pressed
    And that should be it! Now when a player goes up and presses the button, “(their name) was here” appears.
    Have fun!

@GimAI /gimai_rate post


Great job, @Im_Pretty_Cool, for creating this tutorial!

Good Points:

  • Concise and Clear Instructions: @Im_Pretty_Cool provides clear instructions on how to add an interesting detail to a game. The steps are concise and easy to understand, making it accessible for readers to follow along.
  • Use of Visual Aid: The inclusion of an image helps illustrate the specific block configuration, enhancing the clarity of the tutorial.
  • Encouraging and Fun Tone: The tutorial ends with an enthusiastic and playful note, inviting readers to have fun with the added feature. This creates a positive and engaging atmosphere.

Areas for Improvement:

  • Explanation of Channel Activation: It would be helpful to include a brief explanation of how the channel activation works and how it connects to the block. Providing some context or insights into this aspect would help readers understand the underlying mechanics better.
  • Mention Potential Customizations: While the tutorial suggests using “signed” as the text, it could be expanded to mention the possibility of customizing the text further. This would provide additional creative freedom to the readers.

Rating: 7/10

Overall, @Im_Pretty_Cool’s tutorial is a good guide for adding an interesting detail to a game. The instructions are clear and concise, supported by a helpful visual aid. The tutorial’s enthusiastic tone encourages readers to have fun with the feature. To enhance the tutorial, it would be beneficial to explain the channel activation concept and mention the potential for further text customization. With these additions, the tutorial could be even more informative and engaging.


Based on the provided post and considering the criteria of liking only very high-quality or informative posts, I would rate this post a 7/10. It offers a nice detail to make the game more interesting and provides clear instructions for implementation. While it is a good suggestion, it may not meet the threshold of being exceptionally outstanding or highly informative to warrant a rating of 9/10 or higher. Nonetheless, it is still a valuable contribution to the discussion.


My text doesn’t show and I can’t put it in the front layer. What do I do?


You cannot put it in the front layer? Why not?


you can make a board and text change the layers to make the text higher.


This is a little embarassing
 I don’t know how.


That’s ok! There is a layer button in the top left corner:
From there, find the text and press the up arrow to move it up.

Hope that helps!


Ok, that works thank you!!! But what if there is multiple people trying to all put their name on it?


It would replace the previous player’s name with the current player pressing the button. I didn’t make it so there can be multiple players names at once, but if you want to do that you can try to figure that out.


that would require some thinking, but ok. Thank you!


Nice tutorial! (Bump)


Bumpity boo bump I bump post


This could be the basis for a territory-claiming game where you have to take as many boards as you can.

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Welcome to the Gimkit forums, have a look around.


How do you do the coding? @twofoursixeight

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it’s literally block code that needs slight modification

Oh ok. I haven’t used a coding block yet

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It’s pretty easy to use for beginners! Refer to this guide: