Lose 25% of money on death

so you know how you can say as a notifacation who killed who? you maybe able to use that notif as a function starter for the give inventory too.

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I might be able to figure this out

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We can do this for score, but not accaul item s i think (all of this is hypothetical

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Ohh, using a notification?
uhh, let me try that. (because i didn’t know you can do that)

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its a theory the only way to track a player name i believe.

Just change it from 50 to 25.

Oh, that is not what i mean. I mean like how will the computer know who killed who, instead of Bob ko jill, jill ko bob?

Wait, thats it!
(I knew there had to be something on this question!)

it needs to be cash, so would that work?

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I also need it so that the player that killed them gets the money

Reverse the process for that.

YEah, it would, cause energy and cash are both items (I havent read the guide yet)

I gtg so BYE (i will be back in like 20 min)

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DId you figure anything out?

Maybe do something like, knockout manager to trigger, and that trigger has a variable for the item and when receiving on knockout manager, multiply the variable by 0.75 and somehow make that the item?

I have no idea you might be able to use blocks I guess.

(Why does it have to be so hard?)

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Use my lose 50%, but with 25%. But, make it grant 0- a property, with that property being equal to that 25%. (Instead of dividing by 2, divide by 4). Now, have another block with that property, that has received from a ko manager for the one who knocked them out. Have it grant them that property.

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I will test it out and see if it works

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Do I use a Ko manager instead of a tag zone?

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