Lore help, open world game

One-hundred percent done. (SOOOOO many quests)


Based on the whole village idea, here’s some lore:

The time just turned a millennium since the wars between the Yoldese and Krutans. However, word has it that Yold is piling troops upon the Krutce Border. The villages could be in attack every second. The Krutce Empire is calling for troops far and wide in their empire. This has reminded old sages of an ancient legend that says:
5 score, and war will pursue
A hero out of the blue
From the nations far beyond
All will remember you
You get drafted to fight for the Krutce Empire, even though you are a farmer on the outskirts of the village. You have to train, and you are seemingly better than everybody. One day, you find a note that looks like a torn page of a journal that reads:
Everyday I look at (character’s name) and think about the ancient legend. He seems like he was born for this, even though he is just a farmer. Today I was going to ask him who his ancestors were. I stopped when I saw the tattoo on his arm. A symbol of peace. He isn’t the one.
You go on to the battlefield for the first time, a high rank, but not the top. You go to attack someone, but all of the sudden you are blinded. You hear screams, shouts, but most of all, you feel something. A hum in the ground, but it sounded like words. You make out, “Behold, the one on the battlefield” You then black out. You wake up in a medical tent, nurses bustling about. The character now has a couple of choices:

  1. Stay in the medical tent. You then regain health, but by then you have surrendered. Bad ending.
  2. Go and fight. You try your best but they overtake you. You get captured as a POW, and from there you can live out your days or try to escape, which would be very hard, but if you succeed you end up in the same spot as option 3.
  3. You follow the north star, because you have an instinct to. You meet a very old man, that is creepy. You could kill him, but then you are stranded and the story line ends. If you let him take you to his place, you can end up with the good ending, where you return to the battlefield healthy, and you win! But, if at night you sneak around and go into the basement, you find some sort of secret ritual circle. If you enter, you have a vision of your grandmother saying that you came from a line of special people. You immediately run out to the battlefield and everybody falls on their knees when you walk by. You conquer all of the land, and even the Yoldese King bows to you. He gives you his ring, and you have another vision, of what happened right after your grandmother said that to you. She puts you in a river, and you feel important. Just like you do now. And then, your grandmother comes up to you. “You have fulfilled the family legacy, my darling” Then the game ends. Secret ending.

Hope this helps! Sorry, I wasn’t able to read comments while I read this, so if I messed up, apologies in advance.


I like the idea of just a game where you have a bunch of girls and as you progress the girls start corrupting and in the end you have to delete- wait, that has been done before. Doki Doki Literature club

Yeah. Mark here to help as solution. He EASILY takes the cake for the best lore.

HOLY! What? Also, may I revise the poetry for the prophecy?

Oh, sure! I don’t care.

The only problem is…

Oops! Sorry. Hold on let me think.

So just make it GTA, but family friendly. Do quest, interact with the people, make your own house, Minecraft but no death.

I did coded everything you just said, even the building your own house part

“An ancient war
Bloodstained grass
A tethered soul
To a dangerous past
Many years
Of many more
And soon
One will win the war
With just a step
All will bow
For one will take the holy crown.”-The Insomniac. There is a poet’s prophecy. Enjoy and credit.


Uh… make it a chill game, and maybe you can solve a mystery that went on through a town, and your a detective because a crime happened

What should the crime be?

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some dude robbed a bank, killed the king, contaminated water supply, murdered all the animals, he blowed up something

maybe one of those

Three teenage girls vanish, and as a detective who is great at getting maidens, you are dead set on finding (And wooing) these young maidens. Maybe, I know romance is popular.

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Just one more idea for you to check out.


Please add my crime!

Okay then have fun little quests to find a lost old man who had lost his way to the fountain of youth and once you find him you go there but find enemies and friends along the way

You swing vines like indiana jones

You cross mountains,

You stop by a historical Mcdonalds

And finally you get there and get the man young again and the man becomes your adopted son
and you brought a big gallon of youth water back with you

And pick up a young girl along the way and become a couple, because Indiana Jones had two maidens.

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