Let's Develop Technical Gimkit Notation!

We could get on topic?

You’re being off-topic right now you know that right? Also has anyone come up with new ideas for the notation yet?

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Go ahead and add me to the ping list.

I happen to be an expert on notation you could do a system like
(Device 1(Options Chosen on Wire/Channel)) ->(The arrow being a connection) (Device 2(Option Chosen on Wire/Channel))

Ex: Let’s say I want to connect a life cycle to a relay to a checker you could do it like this
Lifecycle (On Game Start) (Event Occurs) → (Trigger Relay) Relay (All Players) → (Run Check) Checker

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What did I do?
All I said was to be on topic

Like lets get done with the welcome to the forums stuff.

Well, that doesn’t contribute anything to this guide or community. CAN YOU NOT TELL THAT THAT WAS A JOKE? All of those people were joking around since people usually welcome each other. Saying that’s off topic doesn’t make a topic on topic.

Are you kidding me right now?

To be fair, I couldn’t tell that it was a joke, and of all people I had the most reason to be able to discern that. I only learned it wasn’t a joke after contacting karl and wingwave on discord.


Can we not fight?

I have a broken arm and I am having a friend write this for me.

Oh, hope you get better. Also I’m not trying to fight.


Not really, and the most effective way of communicating algorithms is just gonna be through code and images. If it really needs to get super specific, draw a diagram or a logic flowchart. No need to overcomplicate things.

It’d be fun though. Also, a 3 month bump to call something useless is absolutely wild.


rip I guess, never got to see this :frowning:


i did not read any of the posts

just the topic


lemme first check every device, then ill create a shorten version for each of them

This isn’t necessarily useless, if we come up with a standard format for cataloguing Quantum Mechanics or obscure systems, it’ll optimize discussion and replication of a newly found mechanic which is useful in progressing in this field.


What about a device’s notation being its name minus the vowels?

My problem with that is that you’re just making it harder to type and harder to read. I’m still firmly against any notation that does stuff like that, or introduces new formats that aren’t majorly standardized (like pseudocode).

Using a standardized format for device structures would allow for easier abstraction and if we made all technical contraptions to list how much memory it uses, it’ll be easier to calculate if things are impossible or probable to use within a game; a standard format also allows for better visualization of what to setup/know beforehand – what modern guides/tutorials lack nowadays, however, I do agree that notation is useless and should just state the device name – but a standardized notation/symbol within a diagram would be useful as it would be easier to dissect how something works and incorporating AUO within such standardization will remove confusion if there is any bugs.


I can work with that, it’s just most proposals I’ve seen are like "hey guys, what if we called the trigger the TGR and used the :abacus: emoji to represent blah blah blah.

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