Let's Develop Technical Gimkit Notation!

Should I create a continuation topic in case it closes?

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item grater :skull:
we need that now

Ok, so we know that we definitely want to notate devices as just a couple letters. Enough to be clear without taking too long to type.

Wow, this is the epitome of laziness. :smiley:

Ok, so now we need to figure out how to do
a) connections
b) settings
and c) mechanism stuff

@twofoursixeight why would it close? I’m not gonna mark a solution, if that’s what you mean.

If enough flags get on the topic, the system will close the topic.

How about as a start: if it isn’t different from the normal setting, it is ommited.

Then just don’t flag it then. There are probably like 200-300 people with flagging capabilities, and none of them have a reasom to flag this.

Heres a list of all devices if we want to start making abbreviations for them

  • Barrier
  • Buttons
  • Camera View
  • Channels
  • Checker
  • Checkpoint
  • Counter
  • Damage Boost
  • End Game
  • End of Game Widget
  • Flag
  • Flag Capture Zone
  • Game Overlay
  • Health Granter
  • Inventory Item Manager
  • Item Granters
  • Item Spawner
  • Knockout Manager
  • Laser Beam
  • Laser Beam Manager
  • Lifecycle
  • Movement Meter
  • Notification
  • Popup
  • Questioner
  • Relay
  • Respawn
  • Sentry
  • Spawn Pad
  • Speed Modifier
  • Starting Inventory
  • Tag Zone
  • Team Switcher
  • Teleporters
  • Text
  • Trigger
  • Vending Machines
  • Waypoint
  • Wire Repeater
  • Wires
  • Zone
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Oh, just the first dude? Eh, it’s fine for now. Thanks for the offer though.

Absolutely agreed. I’ll put that in the post.

Thanks for the list, @TorontoBulls1

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Also i think we can list the the changes as device setting 1, device setting 2, and so on…


  • C (1:false, 2:3, 5:”channel_example”)

No, I mean if spammers start talking in the topic, people will flag them, then eventually the topic will close due to the amount of flags recieved.

There, the problem is that we might not know what all the settings are without opening a game, which also removes the convenience aspect.

True but the alternative is an abbreviation for every setting or just writing out all the device settings which would be annoying in complex guides but still possible. We’d just have to test and see which works best

Sorta like US state abrevations?

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We can be pretty sure that the numbers won’t work. People don’t know device settings off the top of their heads.

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What if it’s a Unified system for all devices, with a “Universalcode” thats the same for everyone, like using a System to Encode/decode the Universal Code?

But if they are following a guide that is using it they can find what setting that is in game but otherwise your right, it wont be the most helpful.

Do you suggest we write them out completely then or are you thinking of something else?

For example:
(Decives)-(Primary Purpose setting(like a lifecycle being set to when player knocks out)-(Primary action channel (like a button being pressed)
Then Abrivate the Decive/Setting?

L ? Lo? I think 1 or 2 letters would be good, kind of like chemical abbreviations.

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Also, when we do end up putting out the table with all the notations, should it be new-user-must-read ? I feel like it would be incredibly confusing for someone who doesn’t know anything about it, and it would be in an easy-to-find spot. Even though it is just for technical Gimkit, it would still be important for new users trying to get into that side of GKC.

But then how do you tell the diffence between a repeater and wire repeater?

Re, Wi. [I forget how to do the invisible text thing]