Lasers that alternate on and off! (🟨)

would it work if i had, kets say TWENTY lasers? :sweat_smile:

At that point, just use a laser manager.

k, I’m new at devices so I DONT KNOW WAT U R TALKING BOUT. can you help make an updated guide or something to help my sanity?

Laser managers are a new device that was added recently.

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Just replace the laser in this guide with a laser manager. @wingwave, can you link TUGTED2?

You got it!


This should explain it very well.


Just a quick warning: this doesn’t always work great with laser beam managers, better with one or two individual lasers or just use channels.


Nice Guide, This Will Be Helpful For My Map!

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It saves memory to use wire repeaters

Can you change the time on the both repeaters, let’s say, to 3 seconds. Is it still gonna work? Bc I don’t want my lasers to take so long to turn on and off.
Edit: I figured it out, but thanks for the answers

Oh and by the way, if you didn’t see the earlier posts, it IS more efficient to use wire repeaters in a clock, I just wrote that guide at a time in which I didn’t know about using them in a clock.


Good guide, but you can only have so many repeaters so it is easier to make a trigger system that has a delay and activates itself and whatever you want to repeat.

also for multiple lasers, use a laser beam manager device

@GimkitNerdlul, please read my earlier posts. I stated that it is rather glitchy if you use a manager.

Yes, i am saying this for if you want 10 or more lasers, as while it will be glitchy, it will probably use less memory if you are making a big map. Sorry if i am criticizing you, I’m not meaning to. Have a great day!

Thanks for the guide Dragontamer! I have it on my map.

Thank you for clarifying. However, if you simply use channels, then you can eliminate the need for wires or a manager. Just have each repeater running to a trigger. One trigger sets them all on, the other sets all the lasers off. I also apologize if I sounded rude earlier.

It doesn’t work, can you go over it again

you can use triggers to thou