Just light issues now

Have a channel to reactivate whenever the door is closed.

oh okay. another trigger. Which means more block code. yayyyyyyyy.
Now I get to go to even more stupid levels of anxiety.
I doubt that this will work though:
Screenshot 2024-02-09 3.59.20 PM
It did not work.


So I definitely need help with code. :sweat_smile:

Why are you using variables? Shouldn’t you be using properties.

I don’t understand properties, and the nature-of’s don’t exactly tell me much. Plus the original code used variables anyways.

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i have no idea if that will help. But I will look into it! :smiley:

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But @Anonymous, is there any chance you could help me with this? I’m only asking because you’re the only one who managed to make me understand your block code.


Ok. Well, I’m on right now, so I will help. What specifically is wrong, and why?

bonnie still disables my left light even when my door is closed. I think it’s because the code in my trigger might be off.

How does the game work? How does he go through doors, and how are the doors open/closed?

um, let me record and send a gif, so I might take a second. He might not even show up.

I have to go, but hopefully I will be able to get on later, otherwise I hope someone else can help.

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Here is that gif. I couldn’t do anything really because gimkit decided that I couldn’t really do anything,
Sorry about the size

Also I have chess later, but maybe I can still be on for the help.

I have absolutely no idea what’s supposed to happen. Can you explain to me what’s supposed to happen (like what activates what), show me the code, and what’s going wrong?


okay. What’s supposed to happen is when Bonnie reaches the door, he broadcasts on a channel. A trigger detects that, then chooses a random integer from 0 to 1, 1= success. 0=fail. The doors are fine, the only problem is that I can’t stop the lights from deactivating.
Screenshot 2024-02-13 11.26.13 AM
Note: The bottom code is irrelevant. It’s only there cause I needed to see if that would work for changing the light situation.
This is all I can give you, @Anonymous

When do the lights deactivate?

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when bonnie shows up at my door. Every time it lands on a one for the random integer.